Lisa, Bright and Dark Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lisa, Bright and Dark Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 6 - 10 (Pages 33 - 60).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The narrator describes which major character as fulfilling the role of school princess (that is, regal, cool, far off, blonde, and slim)?
(a) Lisa Shilling.
(b) Mary Nell Fickett.
(c) Elizabeth Frazer.
(d) Betsy Goodman.

2. When Betsy Goodman and Mary Nell Fickett finally tell Lisa Shilling that the know she is mentally ill, Lisa Shilling responds by...
(a) Telling them they are out of line.
(b) Asking how they think they can help.
(c) Denying anything is wrong.
(d) Attacking them with a knife.

3. The narrator states that adults prevent anyone from "get[ting] to the truth" (p. 27) because they are...
(a) Afraid to admit they have failed.
(b) Evil and don't want to let anyone know the truth.
(c) Unable to comprehend the truth.
(d) Trying to shield their children from unpleasant things.

4. The first story that Betsy Goodman heard about Lisa Shilling's strange behavior happened on...
(a) Mary Nell Fickett's birthday.
(b) Paul Newman's newest film's opening night.
(c) Ben Goodman's graduation.
(d) The first anniversary of Lisa and Brian Morris' going steady.

5. The narrator states that Mr. Shilling's primary motivation is...
(a) Fashion.
(b) Knowledge.
(c) Power.
(d) Money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Betsy Goodman, Mary Nell Fickett, and Lisa Shilling first meet for an impromptu group therapy session?

2. Mary Nell Fickett's approach to helping Lisa Shilling initially consists of...

3. Betsy Goodman states that she is...

4. Betsy Goodman asks Jeremy Bernstein about Lisa Shilling's mental illness. Bernstein responds by...

5. What trait is referred to in the novel as "'Locust Valley Lockjaw'" (p. 30)?

(see the answer key)

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