Lisa, Bright and Dark Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lisa, Bright and Dark Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 16 - 20 (Pages 97 - 130).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mr. Shilling reject Rev. Fickett's and Mr. Milne's assertion that Lisa Shilling is suffering from serious mental illness?
(a) Because he knows that Lisa is beyond help.
(b) Because he hasn't seen any strange behavior at home.
(c) Because he knows that Lisa likes to fake problems to get attention.
(d) Because Lisa was always a timid child.

2. What does Mary Nell Fickett do as she continues to participate in group therapy sessions with Lisa Shilling?
(a) She thinks that Lisa is faking her mental illness.
(b) She secretly dates Brian Morris.
(c) She reads many books on mental illness.
(d) She begins to use hallucinogenic drugs.

3. Why does Mary Nell Fickett tell Betsy Goodman that she is furious with Elizabeth Frazer?
(a) Because Mary Nell is no longer in charge of the situation.
(b) Because Elizabeth refuses to take charge of the situation.
(c) Because Elizabeth is smarter than Mary Nell.
(d) Because Elizabeth is better looking than Mary Nell.

4. Early in their developing friendship, Lisa Shillings makes Betsy Goodman promise that...
(a) Betsy will always be honest.
(b) Betsy will never date Brian Morris.
(c) Betsy will never write anything down.
(d) Betsy will never speak to Elizabeth Frazer.

5. As Mrs. Shilling begins to realize that perhaps her daughter Lisa really is suffering from mental illness, what is one of her first responses?
(a) She runs away from her family.
(b) She blames Lisa's father for causing the mental illness.
(c) She starts to use psychedelic drugs.
(d) She blames Lisa's friends for causing the mental illness.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Mr. Shilling rejects Rev. Fickett's and Mr. Milne's request to obtain medical help for Lisa Shilling, what does Rev. Fickett say to his daughter?

2. After spending a few hours researching various topics in psychology and mental illness, Betsy Goodman is confused and decides to...

3. When Betsy Goodman and Mary Nell Fickett finally tell Lisa Shilling that the know she is mentally ill, Lisa Shilling responds by...

4. Mr. Shilling meets with Rev. Fickett, Mr. Milne, and his daughter, and rejects their claim that Lisa Shilling is suffering from mental illness. What does Mr. Shilling do after the meeting ends?

5. Mr. Bernstein says he entirely can't act in Lisa Shilling's best interests because he must do what?

(see the answer key)

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