The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Witch decide to do as she gets nearer to meeting Aslan?
(a) Rest and regain power.
(b) Bring back the winter.
(c) Turn back to her own house.
(d) Kill Edmund.

2. Why does the lion in the Witch's courtyard not attack Edmund?
(a) It is blind.
(b) It is not a flesh-eating lion.
(c) It is made of stone.
(d) It is Aslan.

3. What does Edmund do to the lion in the Witch's courtyard when it does not attack him?
(a) Mocks its weakness.
(b) Bows to it.
(c) Thanks it for not attacking.
(d) Draws a mustache on it.

4. Who does Aslan meet at the Stone Table during the night?
(a) The beavers.
(b) The wolves.
(c) Peter.
(d) The White Witch.

5. Where is Edmund taken after he is rescued from the White Witch?
(a) Cair Paravel.
(b) The Stone Table.
(c) The lamp post.
(d) The Black Ice Castle.

6. Why does Edmund have a hard time getting to the Witch's house?
(a) He does not know the way.
(b) He is not wearing good boots.
(c) It is dark and cold.
(d) He went to the wrong place first.

7. How do Aslan and the other animals get out of the courtyard?
(a) The walls of ice melt.
(b) They leap over the wall.
(c) They sing together and the walls crumble.
(d) A giant makes a hole in the wall.

8. What do Lucy and Susan do first when they get to Aslan's dead body?
(a) Remove his muzzle.
(b) Kiss his face.
(c) Cry into his mane.
(d) Bind his wounds.

9. What does the Witch disguise herself as while Edmund is being rescued?
(a) A hill.
(b) A tree stump.
(c) A rock.
(d) A block of ice.

10. What lights the way for Edmund to get to the Witch's house?
(a) A lightning bug.
(b) A torch.
(c) A flashlight.
(d) The moon.

11. What gift does Father Christmas give to the beavers and the children to share just before he leaves?
(a) Oranges.
(b) Holly boughs.
(c) Tea leaves.
(d) Cookies.

12. What is the Witch using as her weapon in the battle?
(a) The claws of a lion.
(b) Aslan's stolen sword.
(c) Her wand.
(d) The sword that killed Aslan.

13. How does the Witch plan to kill Edmund?
(a) Hang him from a tree.
(b) Leave him alone to starve.
(c) Turn him to stone.
(d) With a knife.

14. What does Mr. Beaver insist on doing before leaving his house?
(a) Writing a letter.
(b) Locking his door.
(c) Making dinner.
(d) Packing supplies.

15. What does Aslan do when he gets to his destination after coming back to life?
(a) Breathes on the statues.
(b) Summons his army to him.
(c) Lights the fire of triumph.
(d) Leads the battle.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the Pevency children feel when they first see Aslan?

2. What does the Witch do when Edmund tries to interfere with her and the animals she is questioning?

3. What gift does Father Christmas give to Peter?

4. What does the Witch see some animals eating when she stops her sledge after leaving her house?

5. What do Peter and Aslan hear while they are talking together?

(see the answer keys)

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