Linger Test | Final Test - Easy

Maggie Stiefvater
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Linger Test | Final Test - Easy

Maggie Stiefvater
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Sam think he has stopped shifting?
(a) He has a fever.
(b) He is bitten again.
(c) He meets Grace.
(d) He doesn't want to be a wolf anymore.

2. What does Grace tell Cole she has always wondered about?
(a) What caused the first werewolf.
(b) What Jack saw before he died.
(c) What drew Sam to her.
(d) What it would be like to change.

3. In what kind of experiment does Cole tell Isabel he is involved?
(a) Sociological.
(b) Scientific.
(c) Psychiatric.
(d) Medicinal.

4. What does Sam tell Grace about Cole?
(a) There is something scary in him.
(b) There is a lot of fear in him.
(c) There is a lot of anger in him.
(d) There is something broken in him.

5. Why does Sam always avoid something?
(a) His mother died in one.
(b) He is not sure why.
(c) His parents tried to kill him with it.
(d) He has been shocked before.

6. What does Grace do after talking to her mother about Sam?
(a) Calls Isabel.
(b) Slams and locks her door.
(c) Goes for a walk.
(d) Takes a shower.

7. What does Sam always avoid?
(a) Bathtubs.
(b) Toilets.
(c) Toasters.
(d) Light fixtures.

8. Why does Grace want to be alone with Cole?
(a) To get his help changing.
(b) To be his friend.
(c) To explain Sam to him.
(d) To kiss him.

9. Why does Cole think he can't stay in wolf form?
(a) He likes Isabel.
(b) He wants it too much.
(c) He has taken too many drugs.
(d) He is not old enough.

10. What does Dmitra help Sam do?
(a) Find a place to live.
(b) Surprise Grace.
(c) Cut his record.
(d) Forget his past.

11. What keeps Grace from shifting when she is bitten?
(a) She is in a hot car.
(b) She is too cold.
(c) She gets fluids fast.
(d) She is so young.

12. How does Sam feel when he is with Grace while her parents are gone?
(a) Scared.
(b) Emotional.
(c) Relieved.
(d) Angry.

13. What does Sam promise Victor while he is in human form?
(a) He will teach him.
(b) He will help him.
(c) He will get Beck to welcome him.
(d) He will take him home.

14. What does Isabel say when she hears Cole is a rock star?
(a) She isn't surprised.
(b) She doesn't care.
(c) She has known all along.
(d) She doesn't think its true.

15. What does the doctor tell Ulrik?
(a) To take anti-psychotics.
(b) To kill the child.
(c) To stop eating meat.
(d) To die peacefully.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what is a shed in the woods made?

2. What gathers around Grace in the woods?

3. Why doesn't Grace tell Sam she is sick when they are at the studio?

4. What does Sam say a wolf's life lacks?

5. What is the studio called?

(see the answer keys)

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