Lincoln Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lincoln Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Lincoln's support at the beginning of the Civil War?
(a) It stiffened as the war promised to last a long time.
(b) It came together as people started to realize what the war would require.
(c) It fragmented once the fighting actually started.
(d) It softened with the first Union losses.

2. How did Lincoln appease the border states?
(a) By moving the fighting to the North.
(b) By taking more recruits from the north.
(c) By separating abolition from the war for the Union.
(d) By moving the fighting to the south.

3. Which states gave Lincoln a ready supply of troops?
(a) Border states.
(b) Slave states.
(c) Free states.
(d) Mid-Atlantic states.

4. How did Lincoln appease abolitionist forces in the North during the Civil War?
(a) By punishing the Southern troops whenever he could.
(b) By making the Emancipation Proclamation as early as possible.
(c) By outlawing the slave trade.
(d) By signaling his opposition to slavery.

5. What difficulty did Lincoln encounter at the start of the Civil War?
(a) Raising an army.
(b) Raising money.
(c) Dealing with European states.
(d) Mobilizing the free states.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was McClellan's feeling about the President and Congress?

2. How did the war effort affect international relations?

3. Who was the general in charge of Union troops at the beginning of the Civil War?

4. What issue does Donald say consumed a great deal of Lincoln's time and drove his politics?

5. Where did the Union troops suffer a major defeat under General Burnside?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Lincoln bolster his support in the face of criticism over McClellan's inaction?

2. When does Donald locate the low point for Lincoln's administration?

3. How was the Civil War progressing for the Union troops in 1864?

4. Why did Lincoln not liberate all the slaves early in the war?

5. What risk did Lincoln run by suspending habeas corpus?

6. How did the Civil War create international difficulties for Lincoln?

7. What major diplomatic problem confronted Lincoln at the end of the Civil War?

8. Describe Lincoln's plans to run for re-election.

9. What international crisis did Lincoln leave Seward to avert?

10. Describe General McClellan's campaign against Lincoln.

(see the answer keys)

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