Lincoln Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lincoln Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the 10% plan?
(a) There could not be more than 10% of the slave population still in slavery for a state to re-enter the union.
(b) 10% of voters from the 1860 election had to have voted in any post-war election for it to be valid.
(c) Unrepentant Southerners could not occupy more than 10% of a state's cabinet positions.
(d) A state's war reparations could not exceed 10% of its total income.

2. Who was the general in charge of Union troops at the beginning of the Civil War?
(a) McClellan.
(b) Lee.
(c) Grant.
(d) Thomas.

3. How did the war effort affect international relations?
(a) With so much attention on the war, the US was losing its trade advantages in Asia.
(b) While the Civil War raged, Mexico was threatening to retake territories it lost in the Mexican War.
(c) France was sending support to the Confederacy.
(d) France and Britain complained because they could not get Southern cotton.

4. How did Lincoln appease abolitionist forces in the North during the Civil War?
(a) By making the Emancipation Proclamation as early as possible.
(b) By outlawing the slave trade.
(c) By signaling his opposition to slavery.
(d) By punishing the Southern troops whenever he could.

5. Where did the Union troops suffer a major defeat under General Burnside?
(a) Bull Run.
(b) Antietam.
(c) Manassas.
(d) Fredericksburg.

6. Who replaced General Burnside?
(a) General Hooker.
(b) General Brown.
(c) General Grant.
(d) General Halleck.

7. What document justified the controversial step Lincoln took during the Civil War?
(a) The Constitution.
(b) The Articles of Confederation.
(c) None of the answers is correct.
(d) The Declaration of Independence.

8. What happened to complicate U.S. relations with Britain?
(a) Two Confederate officers were seized from a British ship.
(b) Some northerners wanted to help the South through the British.
(c) British aid was intercepted by the South.
(d) British merchants wanted to help the Confederacy.

9. What does Donald say Lincoln returned to with the Gettysburg Address?
(a) Making public proclamations.
(b) Optimism.
(c) Freedom of speech.
(d) Habeas Corpus.

10. What changed when Lincoln replaced General Hooker with General Meade?
(a) The Union troops acted less effectively in battle.
(b) Union losses declined steeply.
(c) Public opinion swung around sharply.
(d) The Union troops repulsed the Confederate troops.

11. Where did Union troops suffer an early defeat?
(a) Fort Donelson.
(b) Antietam.
(c) Bull Run.
(d) Brice's Crossroads.

12. Which Union loss caused Lincoln to exclaim, "What will the country say?"
(a) Antietam.
(b) Fredericksburg.
(c) Chancellorsville.
(d) Bull Run.

13. What happened to increase Lincoln's chances of reelection?
(a) The Democrats were splintered.
(b) The Democratic nominee withdrew.
(c) The Democratic candidates annihilated each other.
(d) The Democratic candidate was embroiled in a scandal.

14. What issue does Donald say consumed a great deal of Lincoln's time and drove his politics?
(a) Supplying Fort Sumter.
(b) Keeping border states loyal.
(c) Preparing the public for a long war.
(d) Preventing in-fighting in his cabinet.

15. Why were the western states unhappy with the Civil War?
(a) Their resources were consumed by the war.
(b) Their territorial expansion was halted.
(c) Their trade with the South was disrupted.
(d) They were not protected from Indians.

Short Answer Questions

1. What message did Horace Greeley convey to Lincoln?

2. What did Hooker fail to do at Chancellorsville, in Lincoln's estimation?

3. What criticism was made of the Emancipation Proclamation?

4. How did Lincoln bolster his support in the North?

5. What action did Congress take on slavery at the end of 1864?

(see the answer keys)

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