Lincoln Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lincoln Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Lincoln do in order to escape the hard work his father had done?
(a) He ran off and joined a steamboat crew, trying to escape from the U.S.
(b) He took work transporting things to market by river.
(c) He returned to Virginia to his family's starting point.
(d) He took courses at the state university.

2. What does Donald say Lincoln was ruled by in his early career?
(a) Reason.
(b) Sentiment.
(c) Passions.
(d) Religiousness.

3. Who was Stephen Douglas?
(a) A Democrat from Washington, DC.
(b) A Whig from New York.
(c) A Democrat from Illinois.
(d) A Whig from Lincoln's county.

4. Why did Lincoln have to hand over his earnings to his father?
(a) He was still living at home.
(b) He was not married yet.
(c) In order to help with the family finances.
(d) He was under 21.

5. How does Donald describe Lincoln's political support for the Whig Presidential candidate?
(a) Inspired.
(b) Impassioned.
(c) Lackluster.
(d) Calculating.

6. What was Lincoln beginning to be known for after years of traveling the court circuit?
(a) Honesty.
(b) Diligence.
(c) Ambition.
(d) Caginess.

7. How did Lincoln campaign for President?
(a) He gave weekly radio addresses.
(b) His advisors campaigned for him.
(c) He gave interviews in all the U.S. papers.
(d) He toured the U.S., giving speeches.

8. What position did Douglas take in the Lincoln-Douglas debates?
(a) He attacked popular sovereignty.
(b) He defended popular sovereignty.
(c) He attacked slavery.
(d) He attacked the federal government.

9. What was the issue at the heart of the issue that brought Lincoln back to politics?
(a) The Monroe Doctrine.
(b) Popular sovereignty.
(c) The Gold Standard.
(d) Manifest Destiny.

10. Who was Mary Todd?
(a) Lincoln's wife.
(b) Lincoln's mother-in-law.
(c) Lincoln's second fiancé.
(d) Lincoln's sister-in-law.

11. Who was Stephen Logan?
(a) Lincoln's roommate.
(b) Lincoln's colleague.
(c) Lincoln's father-in-law.
(d) Lincoln's law partner.

12. What was Lincoln's feeling about the image his advisers associated him with?
(a) He accepted it but had disliked manual labor.
(b) He forced them to choose another image.
(c) He let it pass in silence, neither embracing it nor refusing it.
(d) He loved it having enjoyed splitting rails.

13. Who was the President when Lincoln served in the Senate?
(a) Harrison.
(b) Jackson.
(c) Taylor.
(d) Polk.

14. What effect did slavery have on politics in the 1850s?
(a) It muddied the issue of Indian removal.
(b) It divided people within political parties into fractious groups.
(c) It confused the issues of popular sovereignty and federal authority.
(d) It brought people of different political parties together.

15. What did Lincoln do in his travels, following a man around the state?
(a) Raise money.
(b) Campaign for office.
(c) Take on clients.
(d) Look for a wife.

Short Answer Questions

1. Describe Lincoln's relationship with Joshua Speed.

2. Where did Lincoln's father start out before he moved to Illinois?

3. What position did Stephen Douglas hold when Lincoln returned to politics?

4. What did Lincoln know about his grandmother?

5. Who was Hannibal Hamlin?

(see the answer keys)

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