Lincoln Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lincoln Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Sickles think is Wikoff's source of information?
(a) Annie Surratt.
(b) David Herold.
(c) Mrs. Lincoln.
(d) Bettie Duvall.

2. What disease does David Herold pretend to have in Part 3, Chapter 1?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Smallpox.
(c) Typhus.
(d) Mesothelioma.

3. How does Mrs. Lincoln attempt to talk to Willie after his death?
(a) She prays.
(b) She attends seances.
(c) She puts notes on his grave.
(d) She writes on glass.

4. Why is Mrs. Lincoln so upset in Part 2, Chapter 2?
(a) Robert Lincoln is dating a woman of ill repute.
(b) The Joint Committee has obtained a copy of Wikoff's telegram.
(c) Mr. Lincoln has threatened to divorce her if she does not curtail her spending.
(d) Mrs. Lincoln has been shunned from all the holiday parties on the social scene.

5. What is the name of the Union warship that goes to battle with the Confederate Merrimack?
(a) The Union.
(b) The Icon.
(c) The Republic.
(d) The Monitor.

6. With whom does David Herold spend New Year's Eve 1861?
(a) The Lincolns.
(b) The McClellans.
(c) The Chases.
(d) The Surratts.

7. What event does Kate Chase host in Part 2, Chapter 2?
(a) Fourth of July picnic.
(b) Boxing Day Party.
(c) Thanksgiving Dinner.
(d) Christmas Eve Party.

8. What is the South fighting for in the Civil War?
(a) Shipping.
(b) Textiles.
(c) Independence.
(d) Slavery.

9. What does Lincoln think when he is shot at again on the way to the Soldiers Home?
(a) He needs a bulletproof vest.
(b) Why everyone seems to hate him so much.
(c) He needs to get more bodyguards.
(d) Why the assassins don't aim for his body.

10. How many men is Lincoln forced to call up in Chapter 6?
(a) 200,000.
(b) 50,00.
(c) 10,000.
(d) 500,000.

11. Which famous Civil War battle takes place in Chapter 12?
(a) Gettysburg.
(b) Atlanta.
(c) Shiloh.
(d) Antietam.

12. Which Union general proves incapable of overall command in Chapter 6?
(a) Chamberlain.
(b) Grant.
(c) Burnside.
(d) Buford.

13. Who do the Republicans want Lincoln to nominate as a candidate for president instead of himself?
(a) Grant.
(b) Seward.
(c) Chase.
(d) Sprague.

14. Where does Lincoln spent a vast amount of time following the Battle of Gettysburg?
(a) The Willard Hotel.
(b) The War Department Telegraph Room.
(c) The White House gardens.
(d) The White House chapel.

15. Who was Abraham Lincoln's Democratic opponent in 1864?
(a) Buford.
(b) Grant.
(c) McClellan.
(d) Rutherford.

Short Answer Questions

1. The Confederacy has half the troops as the Union does and ______________.

2. Lincoln has evolved into a(n) ___________ in Chapter 5.

3. Which of the following does NOT describe Lincoln's physical presence at this point in the war?

4. What nationality of people riot against the Conscription Act In New York City?

5. Where does John Wilkes Booth invite David Herold to work with him?

(see the answer keys)

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