Lincoln Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lincoln Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sumner sees freeing the slaves to be _________________.
(a) a religious imperative.
(b) a military necessity.
(c) the moral choice.
(d) a waste of time.

2. Who administers the oath of office to Abraham Lincoln?
(a) Roger K. Holmes.
(b) David P. Taney.
(c) Roger B. Taney.
(d) Salmon P. Chase.

3. What does Lincoln think will be necessary in order to wage war?
(a) French loans.
(b) More armament plants.
(c) English warships.
(d) Conscription.

4. Which female abolition opponent is introduced in Chapter 2?
(a) Ellen Surratt.
(b) Mary Surratt.
(c) Mary Scirocco.
(d) Mary Stewart.

5. What do the people of Virginia do on the first day of the battle in Virginia?
(a) Escape to Philadelphia.
(b) Take picnic lunches to watch the battle.
(c) Hold war parades.
(d) Hide in their basements.

6. Chapter 4 sees the arrival of Lincoln's secretaries, John Hay and ________________.
(a) Nikolai Surratt.
(b) Nicholas Nickleby.
(c) John George Paul.
(d) John George Nicolay.

7. Who is known for drifting off during important discussions?
(a) Salmon P. Chase.
(b) Samuel P. Chase.
(c) Samuel P. Chesterson.
(d) Saul P. Chase.

8. Who meets Lincoln at the train station in Washington, D.C.?
(a) Elihu B. Washburne.
(b) Edward L. Washburn.
(c) Elijah C. Washburne.
(d) Elihu B. Woodborne.

9. Which general does Lincoln order to take command after McDowell's retreat?
(a) General McClellan.
(b) General Grant.
(c) General Burnside.
(d) General Chamberlain.

10. What does Wikoff publish in the New York Herald?
(a) Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
(b) The Emancipation Proclamation.
(c) Lincoln's secret message to Congress.
(d) Mrs. Lincoln's redecorating bills.

11. What does Lincoln carelessly misplace in Chapter 19?
(a) A secret message for Congress.
(b) His passport.
(c) The Gettysburg Address.
(d) His eyeglasses.

12. What office does Kate Chase expect her father to attain in 1864?
(a) U.S. President.
(b) Secretary of State.
(c) Attorney General.
(d) Supreme Court Justice.

13. What topic does Sprague talk about when he takes Kate riding?
(a) The fashions coming out of Paris.
(b) His new stable of horses.
(c) His military strategy.
(d) The shortage of cotton for New England mills.

14. Who is Salmon P. Chase's daughter?
(a) Annie.
(b) Mary.
(c) Kate.
(d) Elizabeth.

15. Chase and Seward agree between themselves that Lincoln must let them run the government as a ____________.
(a) oligarchy.
(b) consulate.
(c) socialist state.
(d) city state.

Short Answer Questions

1. With what does Mrs. Lincoln spend much of her time?

2. What is the mood in Washington as Chapter 14 begins?

3. From what state do the first Union troops arrive in Washington?

4. Who is Emilie Helm?

5. Who believes that one must experience hell before dying, not after?

(see the answer keys)

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