Lincoln in the Bardo: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

George Saunders
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lincoln in the Bardo: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

George Saunders
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was the Union victory that was posted publicly the day that Willie Lincoln died?
(a) Fort Jackson.
(b) For Orleans.
(c) For Wilson.
(d) Fort Donelson.

2. How many sons does Lance Durning claim to have in Chapter 65?
(a) Two.
(b) Three.
(c) Four.
(d) One.

3. What character evolves into a being with multiple eyes, ears, noses, hands, etc. in Chapter 41?
(a) Elson Farwell.
(b) Mr. Bevins.
(c) Margaret Garrett.
(d) Jo Brunt.

4. Who is the doctor that ssured Lincoln that Willie would recover?
(a) Dr. Sloane.
(b) Dr. Farwell.
(c) Dr. Wilson.
(d) Dr. Sears.

5. Who confesses that she steals every chance she gets in Chapter 65?
(a) Marshall Turnbull.
(b) Tobian Clearly.
(c) Robert G. Twistings.
(d) Janice P. Dwightson.

6. Where does the Reverend Thomas say the red-bearded man he encountered after his death was from in Chapter 61?
(a) New York.
(b) Vermont.
(c) Maine.
(d) Illinois.

7. Who was Thomas Havens's master?
(a) Tobian Clearly.
(b) Lieutenant Cecil Stone.
(c) Mr. Conner.
(d) Robert G. Twistings.

8. When was John Tyler in office as President of the United States?
(a) 1901-1905.
(b) 1841-1845.
(c) 1823-1826.
(d) 1862-1865.

9. What are described as the furies that haunt houses where a children dies, according to the narrator in Chapter 73?
(a) Regret and Desire.
(b) Faith and Virtue.
(c) Blame and Guilt.
(d) Sorrow and Grief.

10. Who attempts to drive the black former slaves across the fence in Chapter 66?
(a) Robert G. Twistings.
(b) Lieutenant Cecil Stone.
(c) Thomas Havens.
(d) Tobian Clearly.

11. Who is cited as the author of "These Battle Memories" in Chapter 47?
(a) Margaret Garrett.
(b) First Lieutenant Daniel Brower.
(c) Marshall Turnbull.
(d) Jo Brunt.

12. Herndon’s Informants is said to detail whose account in Chapter 72?
(a) Theodore Blasgen's.
(b) Robert G. Twistings'.
(c) E. G. Frame's.
(d) Mary Lincoln's.

13. Whose account is the focus of The Emergence of Lincoln: Prologue to the Civil War, 1859–1861 by Allan Nevins?
(a) Edward Everett's.
(b) Stephen Sears'.
(c) Robert G. Twistings'.
(d) Tobian Clearly's.

14. Who describes being molested by Mr. Johns Melburn in Chapter 65?
(a) Tobian Clearly.
(b) Lieutenant Cecil Stone.
(c) Elise Traynor.
(d) Vesper Johannes.

15. Who is said to have written Accidental Jehovah: Will, Focus, and the Great Deed?
(a) Theodore Blasgen.
(b) Stephen Sears.
(c) Robert G. Twistings.
(d) Kristen Toles.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose account is detailed in The Villain Lincoln by R. B. Arnolds?

2. Who is described in Chapter 53 as raging in frustration at drunken Anatomy students?

3. When was Minnesota admitted as a U.S. state?

4. What does the narrator call the statue of the bald man in Roman garb that he describes in Chapter 59?

5. What word in Chapter 46 refers to a person or thing that is detested or loathed?

(see the answer keys)

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