Lilith's Brood Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lilith's Brood Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Aaor tell Jodahs after he links with him?
(a) He hasn't started metamorphosis.
(b) Something is wrong.
(c) Everything is proceeding smoothly.
(d) He has finished metamorphosis.

2. What does Akin fear about metamorphosis?
(a) He will no longer look Oankali.
(b) He will no longer look human.
(c) He will no longer be a male.
(d) He will no longer be an ooloi.

3. Who comes to the house where Akin is and begins to fight with the men who brought Akin to Phoenix?
(a) Lilith.
(b) Tino's father.
(c) Tino's brother.
(d) Nikanj.

4. What kind of work did Gabriel do before the war?
(a) He was in the military.
(b) He was an actor.
(c) He was a police officer.
(d) He was a banker.

5. What is wrong with the male and female Jodahs finds in the forest?
(a) They are covered in tumors.
(b) They can't talk.
(c) They are blind.
(d) They are hungry.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Akin's same sex Oankali parent?

2. In Chapter One of Exile, what does Jodahs begin to look like?

3. What will happen to Earth when the Oankali ship leaves it?

4. What does Jodahs say about metamorphosis?

5. What happens to Jodahs as he is traveling with Tomas and Jesusa?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Nikanj say Jodahs and Aaor have to return to the ship and how does Jodahs respond to that assertion by Nikanj?

2. How is Tino found and what do the Oankali wonder about concerning Akin?

3. What does Akin see at the house when he wakes up in Chapter Eight, who helps him and what do the group from Phoenix do?

4. What is Akin told about his plan for the humans?

5. Where does Akin go and what does he find when he returns to earth? What does he tell his friends there?

6. What does Akin think about Dehkiaht being with him?

7. Who comes to fight with Akin's captors and what happens to them?

8. What does Gabriel do when Akin is healing Tate and what does Akin realize?

9. How does Akin feel about Dichaan's plan for him?

10. Akin realizes he needs to learn more and that he is Oankali enough to be heard when he explains about the resisters being mistreated.

(see the answer keys)

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