Lilith's Brood Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lilith's Brood Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does one of the woman in Phoenix want to do with the two female constructs?
(a) Cut off their sensory arms.
(b) Adopt them.
(c) Kill them.
(d) Send them back to the Oankali.

2. What relationship do Tomas and Jesusa share?
(a) Cousins.
(b) Friends.
(c) Brother and sister.
(d) Uncle and niece.

3. What does Akin fear about metamorphosis?
(a) He will no longer be a male.
(b) He will no longer be an ooloi.
(c) He will no longer look human.
(d) He will no longer look Oankali.

4. In Chapter 6, what has changed in Aaor's and Jodahs' relationship?
(a) They will have to live with each other.
(b) They cannot be paired siblings.
(c) They will mate.
(d) Nothing has changed.

5. Why does Gabriel hit Akin?
(a) He found him mating with Tate.
(b) He thinks Akin is hurting Tate.
(c) He thought he was someone else.
(d) Because he looks Oankali now.

6. About what does Akin talk to Tate?
(a) Mars and options for having children.
(b) Healing Gabriel.
(c) How to stay healthy.
(d) Going to the Oankali ship.

7. Why does Akin want to go to the ship?
(a) He doesn't want to go to the ship.
(b) To go with Dichaan to see his Oankali mother.
(c) To accompany Lilith to the ship.
(d) To help the resisters.

8. In Chapter One of Exile, what does Jodahs begin to look like?
(a) A full blood Oankali.
(b) A creature of the water.
(c) A full blood human.
(d) A type of bird.

9. Why doesn't Jodahs want to mate with Marina?
(a) She is too young.
(b) She is too human.
(c) She is too old.
(d) She has the wrong DNA sequence.

10. Why does the man in question #161 become angry with Jodahs?
(a) He says Oankali use men as women.
(b) He is angry they amputated his leg.
(c) His leg still hurts.
(d) He hates the Oankali for destroying earth.

11. What kind of ooloia would the man in question # 161 use?
(a) Who does not look Oankali.
(b) Who does not look human.
(c) Who looks like a human male.
(d) Who looks like a woman he dreamed of when he was young.

12. What can ooloi do that might make them powerful?
(a) They are not particularly powerful.
(b) Control genetic material.
(c) Control the wind.
(d) Take over control of other people's minds.

13. What do the people in Phoenix talk to Akin about when he is changing?
(a) About Tate and Gabriel.
(b) About going to another planet.
(c) About how horrible he looks.
(d) About his mother, Lilith.

14. What does Aaor tell Jodahs after he links with him?
(a) Something is wrong.
(b) He hasn't started metamorphosis.
(c) Everything is proceeding smoothly.
(d) He has finished metamorphosis.

15. What is happening to Akin in Chapter 5?
(a) He is being held captive by resisters.
(b) He is confused about his plans.
(c) He is in and out of consciousness.
(d) He is feeling very sick.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do Akin and his captors leave the second village in the middle of the night?

2. What does Akin argue about on the shuttle?

3. What does the ooloi tell Akin about his bonding with Tiikuchahk?

4. What will happen to the humans who might want to live on a new planet?

5. Why didn't Akin bond with Tiikuchahk?

(see the answer keys)

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