Lilac Girls: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Martha Hall kelly
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Lilac Girls: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Martha Hall kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Kasia’s father work?
(a) The Post Office.
(b) A lawyer's office.
(c) He works with the army.
(d) A butcher’s shop.

2. How does Caroline get materiel to make children's clothes for the orphanage?
(a) She rips up her old Broadway costumes.
(b) She trades her jewelry for it.
(c) She takes apart the curtains in her home.
(d) She pays a lot of money at a high end material store.

3. What is Caroline's first impression of Paul?
(a) She is worried that no one will know who he is.
(b) She thinks she is ugly.
(c) She is annoyed that he is treating her so poorly.
(d) She thinks he is handsome but he is sloppily dressed.

4. Who does Kasia share a bunk with?
(a) Mrs. Mikelsky.
(b) Zuzanna.
(c) Matka.
(d) Luiza.

5. What business does Heinz run?
(a) A pharmacy
(b) A post office.
(c) A bank.
(d) A meat market

Short Answer Questions

1. When does Germany take Paris?

2. Where does Caroline send her care packages in France?

3. What is Mrs. Mikelsky's daughter's name?

4. What is Caroline’s job in the novel?

5. What does Kasia find in the basement of Mr. Z's Pharmacy?

Short Essay Questions

1. What dose Caroline’s interaction with Priscilla Huff in Chapter 12 reveal about her personality?

2. Describe the relationship between Halina and Herta.

3. What is the first interaction between Zuzanna and Kasia? What does this tell us about their relationship?

4. How does Regina help the girls during their time recovering from experimental surgeries?

5. Herta’s uncle Heinz is a disgusting man. What does Chapter 6 reveal to us about Herta?

6. Martha Hall Kelly writes the character of Herta’s father as a Jewish sympathizer. Why do you think she made that choice?

7. What is Caroline’s relationship like with Roger?

8. What is the game the girls play about Beauty Road?

9. Herta and Fritz have a tense interaction when she arrives at Ravensbruck. What does this reveal about her personality?

10. What does the Polish Underground provide for Kasia?

(see the answer keys)

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