Lilac Girls: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Martha Hall kelly
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Lilac Girls: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Martha Hall kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Mrs. Mikelsky's daughter's name?
(a) Katrina.
(b) Ivenka.
(c) Jagoda.
(d) Halina.

2. What is Caroline's heritage?
(a) Irish and French.
(b) Polish.
(c) 100% French.
(d) German.

3. Why does Matka get arrested?
(a) She spits on an SS officer.
(b) She is a high level member of the Polish Underground.
(c) She tries to stop her daughters from being arrested.
(d) She has been stealing coffee from the Germans.

4. When does Germany take Paris?
(a) 1939.
(b) 1950.
(c) 1940.
(d) 1945.

5. What does Halina do for the guards and doctors?
(a) Cleans their living quarters.
(b) Makes them delicious Polish dishes.
(c) Draws their portraits.
(d) Cuts their hair.

6. What announcement does M. Bernard make while Caroline and Paul are at dinner in Chapter 1?
(a) He announces that Pearl Harbor has just been bombed by the Japaneses
(b) He announces that Hitler as invaded Poland.
(c) He announces that all drinks are on the house.
(d) He announces that the restaurant is closing

7. What favor does Halina ask of Herta?
(a) To mail a letter to Herr Lenmart Fleischer.
(b) To give secret medical attention to Zuzanna because she is sick.
(c) To get her daughters out of the camp.
(d) To talk to Binz about not hurting her daughters.

8. What is the code name that Pietrik gives Kasia?
(a) Wiola.
(b) Iowna.
(c) Borris.
(d) Ivanka.

9. What is Betty's reaction when Caroline tells her that Paul and Rena have been arrested?
(a) She tells Caroline that now she can focus on finding a husband and having a baby.
(b) She laughs.
(c) She cries.
(d) She reveals to Caroline that she always had a crush on Paul.

10. Who does Kasia share a bunk with?
(a) Zuzanna.
(b) Matka.
(c) Mrs. Mikelsky.
(d) Luiza.

11. Which prisoners wear purple triangles?
(a) The political prisoners wear purple triangles.
(b) The Jewish prisoners wear purple triangles.
(c) The Bible girls wear purple triangles.
(d) The disabled prisoners wear purple triangles.

12. What happens to Kasia while on the train ride to Ravensbruck?
(a) She cannot stop throwing up.
(b) She tries to escape but is injuries by a guard.
(c) She falls and breaks her wrist.
(d) She has a panic attack.

13. What does Fritz help Herta with when she first arrived?
(a) Beat inmates.
(b) Move in and get settled.
(c) Shave the new patients' heads.
(d) Administer lethal injections.

14. Why is Betty in the hospital?
(a) She was injured was ice skating.
(b) She learns that she has cancer.
(c) She just had a baby.
(d) She is hurt in a war protest.

15. What is Herta's initial reaction to seeing her room for the first time?
(a) She is impressed and likes it.
(b) She wishes that she had more roommates.
(c) She is worried that it is too far away from the camp.
(d) She complains that it is too small and dirty

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Caroline's first impression of Paul?

2. Aside from Felka, what is Kasia sent to Nadia's home to retrieve?

3. What story does Luiza tell Kasia about Pietrik in Chapter 16?

4. What does Regina bring to the Revier?

5. Who interupts Paul and Caroline while they are getting intimate in Chapter 10?

(see the answer keys)

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