Lilac Girls: A Novel Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Martha Hall kelly
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Lilac Girls: A Novel Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Martha Hall kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section II - Chapters 9-16.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Paul do for mother's charity in Chapter 4?
(a) He performs a special performance for her guests.
(b) He brings his entire cast to support the event.
(c) He donates a lot of money to the charity.
(d) He volunteers to donate a trip to Paris.

2. Who pays for Herta's education?
(a) Her mother and father.
(b) She pays for it herself.
(c) Aunt Ilsa.
(d) A scholarship from the government.

3. Which prisoners wear purple triangles?
(a) The disabled prisoners wear purple triangles.
(b) The Bible girls wear purple triangles.
(c) The political prisoners wear purple triangles.
(d) The Jewish prisoners wear purple triangles.

4. What is a lapanka?
(a) The curfew that the German's have put in place.
(b) Another name for a Jewish execution.
(c) The the secret German police.
(d) An unannounced man hunt carried out by the SS.

5. Who does Kasia share a bunk with?
(a) Luiza.
(b) Matka.
(c) Zuzanna.
(d) Mrs. Mikelsky.

Short Answer Questions

1. What year does the book begin?

2. What does Regina bring to the Revier?

3. Who does Kasia run into on her way to Mr. Z's Pharmacy?

4. What is the gift that Caroline gives to Paul?

5. What does Luiza reveal to Kasia before she is removed from the Revier?

(see the answer key)

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