Like Water for Chocolate Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Like Water for Chocolate Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Tita's great aunt reportedly also cried a lot, even when she was in the ____________.
(a) Garden
(b) Market
(c) Womb
(d) Church

2. Who does Tita go to after her private conversation with Pedro?
(a) Mama
(b) Rosaura
(c) Nacha
(d) Gertrudis

3. What did Mama Elena and Chechna go to town to buy?
(a) Baked goods
(b) Things for the baby
(c) Food
(d) Clothing

4. Life is the delight of __________, according to Tita.
(a) Food
(b) Family
(c) Love
(d) Happiness

5. When Tita's sausage creatures were offered in the making of _____________, she was not upset.
(a) Holiday gifts
(b) Sabbath cakes
(c) Wedding favors
(d) Christmas rolls

6. Tita used to shape ____________ into animals as though they were balloons.
(a) Breads
(b) Vegetables
(c) Fruits
(d) Sausages

7. What kind of sauce does Tita make which is simply exquisite?
(a) Tomato
(b) Zucchini
(c) Rose petal sauce
(d) Quail feather

8. Who was able to stave off the rebels from the house?
(a) Mama Elena
(b) Chechna
(c) Rosaura
(d) Tita

9. Pedro and Tita see the events of Gertrudis from __________ a distance away.
(a) The field
(b) A tree
(c) The bedroom
(d) The ranch

10. What does Tita continue to do until Mama leaves the kitchen?
(a) Sigh
(b) Beats the cake
(c) Sing a song
(d) Yell

11. What does Gertrudis decide to do in response to her physical reaction?
(a) Shower
(b) Read
(c) Sing
(d) Cook

12. From miles away, __________ sees the rose scented cloud from Gertrudis.
(a) A solider
(b) Tita
(c) Rosaura
(d) Mama

13. What does Gertrudis begin to do when she tastes the sauce Tita has prepared?
(a) Jump up and down
(b) Sweat
(c) Speak in tongues
(d) Laugh

14. The pleasure and warmth that finally explode into passion will nourish the ______________.
(a) Child
(b) Soul
(c) Art
(d) Marriage

15. Who would have stolen the items in #78 if they had not killed them?
(a) No one
(b) Gang members
(c) Rebels
(d) Pedro's relatives

Short Answer Questions

1. Pedro sees Tita bending over the ______________ and he is mesmerized.

2. The doctor tells Tita that he inherited his curiosity from his __________.

3. What does Pedro do in order to help Rosaura with her labor?

4. The solider and Gertrudis _____________ without breaking the stride of his horse.

5. What did the Indian woman become as a result of her success with the sick relative?

(see the answer keys)

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