Like Water for Chocolate Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Like Water for Chocolate Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the second main physical response the guests have after eating the wedding cake?
(a) Laughing
(b) Vomiting
(c) Intense anger
(d) Heart attacks

2. Who frantically announces that Rosaura has gone into labor?
(a) Tita
(b) Mama
(c) Gertrudis
(d) Pedro

3. Gertrudis begins to imagine one of Pancho Villa's ___________ she had seen in the town square the week before.
(a) Soldiers
(b) Horses
(c) Maps
(d) Wagons

4. Pedro's wife, who is _____________, does not appreciate the gesture of Pedro.
(a) Sick
(b) Working
(c) Pregnant
(d) Harvesting

5. Where does Mama want Pedro and his new family to go?
(a) Mexico City
(b) Austin
(c) Phoenix
(d) San Antonio

6. What does Tita do for the child when the mother is unable to do so?
(a) Sings to him
(b) Rocks him to sleep
(c) Changes his clothes
(d) Breastfeeds him

7. Tita is supposed to be helping Chechna make __________.
(a) Pasta
(b) Mulled wine
(c) Sausages
(d) Bread

8. Pedro sees Tita bending over the ______________ and he is mesmerized.
(a) Sink
(b) Stove
(c) Corn
(d) Grinding machine

9. What does Tita do that makes her run away from Mama?
(a) Flirt with Pedro
(b) Break the mixing bowl
(c) Break a window
(d) Scream

10. Gertrudis runs away, _____________, in the field after the fire begins.
(a) With Tita
(b) Maniacally
(c) Naked
(d) Dressed up

11. Every person but ________ has fallen under a spell at the wedding.
(a) Mama
(b) Tita
(c) Rosaura
(d) Pedro

12. Life is the delight of __________, according to Tita.
(a) Food
(b) Happiness
(c) Family
(d) Love

13. The youngest daughter cannot ____________, according to Mama Elena.
(a) Learn to read
(b) Marry
(c) Have babies
(d) Cook

14. What does Gertrudis begin to do when she tastes the sauce Tita has prepared?
(a) Laugh
(b) Speak in tongues
(c) Jump up and down
(d) Sweat

15. The housekeeper from _________ brings her food, but it is bland and unfit for Tita.
(a) Brazil
(b) America
(c) Mexico
(d) Cuba

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Mama Elena and Chechna go to town to buy?

2. Where does Mama Elena decide she wants Tita taken?

3. From miles away, __________ sees the rose scented cloud from Gertrudis.

4. What does Pedro tell Tita in a private moment they share before the wedding?

5. What is the purpose of the item Tita is looking for when she's wandering around the garden?

(see the answer keys)

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