Like a Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Abdi Nazemian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Like a Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Abdi Nazemian
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the principal of Art's high school?
(a) Mr. Fiend.
(b) Mr. Bing.
(c) Mrs. Starr.
(d) Mrs. Helgri.

2. Why are Art's parents so mad at him in Part III?
(a) He is changing his name.
(b) He stole money from them.
(c) He is dropping out of school.
(d) He went to another protest and was on television, embarrassing them, after promising he would not.

3. What does Judy say is a big difference between her and Art?
(a) Their skin color.
(b) Their academic interests.
(c) Their parents' incomes.
(d) Their religion.

4. What secret does Tara tell Reza in Part III?
(a) She has already dropped out of college.
(b) She is moving back to Iran.
(c) She is moving back to Canada soon.
(d) She won the lottery.

5. How does Reza describe Art to Art himself?
(a) Angry.
(b) Suspicious.
(c) Bold and brazen.
(d) Sad.

6. What does Art do that gets him into big trouble at school?
(a) Gets into a physical fight.
(b) Vandalizes the school.
(c) Writes bad things about the school in the newspaper.
(d) Steals from the school.

7. What do Art and Reza do for the first time in Part IV?
(a) Go to a protest together.
(b) Kiss.
(c) Take a test together.
(d) Sing.

8. What does Saadi say to Reza about Tara?
(a) He thinks she is hot.
(b) He does not say anything.
(c) He thinks she is angry.
(d) He thinks she is too quiet.

9. What does Art tell Judy about his continuing to see Reza?
(a) He can just get another boyfriend any day or time.
(b) If she were a real friend, she would understand why he needs to keep seeing Reza.
(c) He will stop seeing Reza to save their friendship.
(d) He wishes Reza never moved to their school.

10. What does Abbas say is the most important thing about Reza future?
(a) That he goes to conversion therapy.
(b) That he stays safe.
(c) That he gets a college degree.
(d) That no one ever finds out.

11. What does Tara say she knows about Reza?
(a) He is gay.
(b) He does not really like any music.
(c) He is stealing money.
(d) He is smart.

12. What does Stephen tell Judy he did in high school that he is not proud of?
(a) Stole a bike.
(b) Called people racist slurs.
(c) Dated a girl to make people think he was straight.
(d) Stole money.

13. What does Reza do after coming out to Mina and Abbas?
(a) Throws up.
(b) Leaves the house for good.
(c) Goes to the hospital.
(d) Drinks alcohol for the first time.

14. What does Art tell Reza about the protest coming up at St. Patrick's Cathedral?
(a) It is going to be "epic."
(b) He is not sure he really wants to participate.
(c) He is only going for Judy.
(d) It is a small protest.

15. Where do Judy's family plan on going on a big trip at Stephen's urging?
(a) Germany.
(b) England.
(c) Spain.
(d) France.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Judy's new best friend?

2. Who is Tara's new boyfriend?

3. What game does Judy play at the party?

4. What group does Art try to start at high school?

5. How does Abbas react to meeting Tara?

(see the answer keys)

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