Light Perpetual Test | Final Test - Medium

Francis Spufford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Light Perpetual Test | Final Test - Medium

Francis Spufford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the priest ask Val in Part IV to do, if she wishes?
(a) Come to church.
(b) Open a bank account.
(c) Reconcile with her sister.
(d) Move into the shelter.

2. What is one aspect of his wife's personality that Ben loves?
(a) Her serious manner.
(b) Her unpredictability.
(c) Her organization and efficiency.
(d) Her focus on finances.

3. What does Jo call Ricky?
(a) Frogface.
(b) Ri.
(c) Dick.
(d) Henry.

4. What is Marsha's business?
(a) Running a cafe.
(b) Running a law firm.
(c) Architecture.
(d) Engineering.

5. What does Val tell the person who calls in her Part IV about her own life?
(a) She used to use drugs.
(b) She spent 6 months in jail after being convicted of accessory to murder.
(c) She has never apologized to anyone for anything.
(d) She is now a teacher.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Alec remember Vern's nickname as in school?

2. What did one particularly terrible article about Val say about her in the headline?

3. Who is Alec working for in Part IV, at the end?

4. Who is Jo's son?

5. What does Jo tell Ricky she misses in Part III?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Jo tell Ricky she misses in Part III?

2. What does Val think is specifically wrong with her sex life with Mike?

3. How does Ben generally get along with Marsha's adult sons?

4. What does Alec end up doing after he loses his job as a typesetter?

5. What does Jo end up doing after moving back to London, and why does she move back from America?

6. Why do Vern and his wife Kath break up?

7. What does Mike do in Part III that horrifies Val and changes the course of her life?

8. What feeling comes over Vern at the opera festival that he cannot quite place?

9. In Part III, what does Jo want from Ricky?

10. What does Val do when she gets out of prison to try to help others?

(see the answer keys)

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