Light Perpetual Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Francis Spufford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Light Perpetual Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Francis Spufford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Alec's mentor tell him that takes Alec by surprise in Part I?
(a) Alec might be meant for greater things than the job he is in.
(b) Alec should really become an engineer.
(c) Alec should leave London.
(d) Alec should think about getting married.

2. Where does Jo perform in Part II?
(a) The Pelican Club.
(b) Studio 54.
(c) The Roof.
(d) The Mainline.

3. Who is known as the bully of the children's group in Part I?
(a) Vernon.
(b) Alec.
(c) Ben.
(d) Jo.

4. What type of musical performance does Vern love?
(a) Musical theater.
(b) Rock concerts.
(c) Opera.
(d) Choir performances.

5. Why does the person Alec is asking for a job tell him he has hesitations for hiring him?
(a) Alec seems not to have a good grasp of grammar.
(b) He knew Alec's father and never liked him.
(c) Alec wears glasses and glasses are not allowed in the job.
(d) Alec seems like a hothead.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mike ask Val to do minutes after they meet for the second time?

2. Where does Alec remembering his first kiss with his wife taking place?

3. What does Alec tell the man he meets in Part I that he really needs a new job?

4. What job does Ben have in Part II after leaving the institution?

5. Who does Val go on a weekend away with in Part I?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Mike threaten Ben on the bus in Part II?

2. Why is Trevor upset with Ben in Part II?

3. What is unusual about the way Jo experiences music?

4. How does Ben experience the world around him in Part II?

5. What does Ben become obsessed with in Part II that takes over his life?

6. What kind of job does Alec's mentor help him get as a young adult?

7. Why is Alec under some pressure to get a job in Part I as a young adult?

8. Who does Vern become distracted by during his business dinner in Part I and why does this happen?

9. In Part I, how does Alec demonstrate his willingness to challenge authority as a child?

10. What is Vern like as a child, and how does his childhood temperament relate to his adult one?

(see the answer keys)

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