Light Perpetual Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Francis Spufford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Light Perpetual Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Francis Spufford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What phrase keeps repeating in Ben's head to his distress in Part II?
(a) Charred ribs.
(b) Fabric burns.
(c) Danger on the Ice.
(d) Hell on earth.

2. Who is known as the bully of the children's group in Part I?
(a) Jo.
(b) Vernon.
(c) Alec.
(d) Ben.

3. What is Ben's build like?
(a) Short and heavy.
(b) Tall and slight.
(c) Tall and heavy.
(d) Short and slight.

4. What mundane task does Alec do in Part II and make a mess of?
(a) Vacuuming.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Mopping the floor.
(d) Doing the dishes.

5. What singer does Vern see in the restaurant?
(a) Joan Jett.
(b) Tina Turner.
(c) Maria Callas.
(d) Carole King.

6. What does Ben's doctor and the medical students decide to do in his treatment in Part I?
(a) Try a different diet for him.
(b) Release him.
(c) Try electrical shock therapy on him.
(d) Change his medication.

7. What does Vern tell McLeish he wants to build in Bexford?
(a) Skyscrapers.
(b) Stadiums.
(c) Racetracks.
(d) Opera houses.

8. What does Ben usually do most nights to help calm himself?
(a) Drink a lot of alcohol.
(b) Use cocaine.
(c) Drink hot cocoa.
(d) Smoke marijuana.

9. Who does Vern make fun of in the restaurant that makes McLeish uncomfortable?
(a) The King.
(b) The General.
(c) A famous writer.
(d) The Queen.

10. What kind of work does Alec do when he becomes an adult in Part I?
(a) Typesetting.
(b) Architecture.
(c) Engineering.
(d) Financial planning.

11. What does Alec's mentor tell him that takes Alec by surprise in Part I?
(a) Alec might be meant for greater things than the job he is in.
(b) Alec should leave London.
(c) Alec should think about getting married.
(d) Alec should really become an engineer.

12. What event does Ben's father take him to in Part I?
(a) A choir performance.
(b) A sailing race.
(c) A dog race.
(d) A sporting event.

13. Who is the music teacher for the five children in Part I?
(a) Mr. Hill.
(b) Miss Turnbull.
(c) Ms. Smythe.
(d) Mr. Richardson.

14. Which of the following does Val dislike about her weekend away with a new boyfriend?
(a) His sideburns.
(b) The location of the cabin in the woods.
(c) The fact that they are going to a lake and she can not swim.
(d) The scooter he drives.

15. Who does Val go on a weekend away with in Part I?
(a) Luke.
(b) Harry.
(c) Alan.
(d) Winston.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is the person who refuses to pay Ben for his fare dressed in Part II?

2. What does Ben's favorite nurse give out to the patients?

3. When does the bombing that kills the five children, and many more people, happen in the start of this novel?

4. What popular shop is directly hit by the bomb in Part I?

5. What restaurant does Vern take McLeish to in Part I?

(see the answer keys)

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