Light in August Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Light in August Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Christmas finally able to relax and sleep?
(a) In a ditch
(b) In the wagon of a stranger
(c) In an abandoned mine
(d) In an old cabin

2. The sheriff has his men beat a Negro so that he will them what?
(a) That Miss Burden had a lot of enemies
(b) That no one would ever hurt Miss Burden
(c) That Christmas and Brown lived in the cabin
(d) That Miss Burden was crazy

3. What does Hightower learn when he returns to town?
(a) That Byron has admitted to murdering Miss Burden
(b) That Byron has stolen money from his Bible
(c) That Byron has quit his job and left town without saying goodbye
(d) That Byron wants to see Christmas hanged

4. What does Byron do when he returns to town?
(a) Takes all his money out of the bank
(b) Tells his landlady that he is moving
(c) Buys a new suit
(d) Donates all his money to the church

5. Why does Lena move into the cabin?
(a) She is tired and needs a place to rest.
(b) She thinks it is Lucas Burch's house.
(c) She does not want to return home.
(d) Her baby is due soon and she wants to give her child a home.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Brown tell Lena he cannot stay at the cabin?

2. What does Mrs. Hines reveal to Hightower?

3. Of what does Hightower think his mother died?

4. Why does Hightower think he let down the people of Jefferson?

5. Who does Byron bring to Hightower's house?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Faulkner show that women are more realistic and more forgiving in this chapter?

2. As Christmas runs to avoid the law, he stops at a cabin and trades shoes with a Negro woman. What is the significance of the traded shoes?

3. Explain the irony in Miss Burden's nearly nymphomaniac behavior?

4. How does Christmas know that he has run far enough for now?

5. The cries of Lena's newborn child are significant for Byron. Why?

6. Why does Byron force an encounter with Brown after Brown flees from Lena in the cabin?

7. Other than the fact that he is a good person, why does Hightower feel the need to help Christmas?

8. What is the symbolism of the odor in Hightower's house?

9. What does Hightower finally realize as he sits at his window watching the fading light?

10. Why is Hightower so upset that Byron has asked for his help with the situations regarding Lena and Christmas?

(see the answer keys)

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