Light in August Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Light in August Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mr. McEachern then go to church?
(a) To set up the hymnals for the next day's services
(b) To expiate his sins
(c) To ask God to rid him of the burden of Christmas.
(d) To ask God for help in raising Christmas

2. Why is Christmas attracted to the waitress?
(a) She has a great smile.
(b) She is small and all the men seem to like her.
(c) She gives him extra marshmallows for his cocoa.
(d) She has a good sense of humor.

3. Why does Byron think that he and Hightower continue to lead such solitary lives?
(a) Because they do not like team events.
(b) Because they have had disastrous experiences with women before.
(c) Because man is more afraid of change than of the troubles he already has experienced and those familiar to him.
(d) Because they have anti-social personalities

4. What does Christmas do when he has no money to pay the answer to #112?
(a) They tell him that they will take a check.
(b) He tells them he is of Negro blood and they chase him away with no thought of payment.
(c) They call the authorities on him.
(d) They tell him to use a credit card.

5. The story transitions from an eight-year-old Christmas to Christmas at ___________________.
(a) eighteen-years-old
(b) twenty-years-old
(c) fourteen-years-old
(d) ten-years-old

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Christmas and Brown live?

2. Why does Christmas feel that something powerful is taking over his body and something irreversible is about to happen?

3. Why do the two men in the wagon, Armstid and Winterbottom, give Lena a ride?

4. Christmas walks into the woods and reaches a point by a small stream where he ___________________.

5. Byron takes Lena to a _______________ so she can spend the night.

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the symbolism of the polished shoes in this chapter?

2. What drives Lena to keep moving on her quest?

3. Why does Christmas wish that McEachern would discover his absence in the house this night and try to stop him?

4. Why does Christmas toss away the food Mrs. McEachern brings him after Mr. McEachern has beaten him?

5. Why is McEachern's death symbolic in this chapter?

6. Why does Christmas sleep in the stables that night?

7. What are Byron Bunch's first impressions of Joe Christmas?

8. What is Christmas' final act of naivete regarding Bobbie?

9. Why does the fourteen-year-old Christmas beat the Negro girl instead of having sex with her like the other boys do?

10. Why do the townspeople believe that the former Reverend Hightower's wife had disgraced him?

(see the answer keys)

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