The Lifted Veil Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lifted Veil Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Latimer afraid to meet the new maid?
(a) He was always distant from the servants and this woman was tied to his vision.
(b) He was always distant from the servants and did not care to meet any of them.
(c) Because Bertha hired her.
(d) Most servants never stayed long enough for him to care.

2. After Charles has pronounced Mrs. Archer dead, why does Bertha re-enter the room?
(a) The nurses tell her about the operation.
(b) She hears Latimer scream.
(c) She hears Mrs. Archer speaking.
(d) The nurses tell her Mrs. Archer is not dead.

3. What happens as the operation progresses?
(a) Mrs. Archer awakens and screams at Charles.
(b) Mrs. Archer begins to twitch and then dies again.
(c) Mrs. Archer begins to breathe and move her lips.
(d) Nothing; the operation is a failure.

4. Where does the second part of The Lifted Veil start?
(a) Munich.
(b) Switzerland.
(c) Prague.
(d) England.

5. Why does Bertha begin to hate Latimer?
(a) She begins to think he can read her mind.
(b) She thinks he is hiding money from her.
(c) He begins to abuse her.
(d) He begins to date another woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who becomes ill near the end of Charles' visit?

2. Why does Alfred invite Latimer to spend time with him?

3. What is another reason that Latimer does not think the wedding will take place?

4. What happens when Bertha is leaving the room after Charles has pronounced Mrs. Archer dead?

5. What does Latimer's father suggest he do now that Alfred is gone?

(see the answer keys)

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