The Lifted Veil Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lifted Veil Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Latimer's father think the marriage will change Latimer?
(a) He will stop having visions.
(b) He will be able to bring money into the household.
(c) He will finally take Alfred's place in society.
(d) He will no longer be sick.

2. Which of Latimer's childhood friends come to visit him after his father's death?
(a) Jacque Meunier.
(b) Charles Filmore.
(c) Caesar Newfound.
(d) Charles Meunier.

3. What does Latimer's father wish him to do now that Alfred is gone?
(a) Leave and never return.
(b) Fill Alfred's place in society.
(c) Become a doctor.
(d) Die.

4. What does Latimer begin to see as Bertha and Mrs. Archer become closer?
(a) Plans to kill Mrs. Filmore.
(b) Plans to burn the house down.
(c) Strange scenes using candlelight.
(d) Voodoo dolls.

5. How does Latimer react to Bertha's answer regarding her feelings for Alfred?
(a) Miserable.
(b) Depressed.
(c) Shocked.
(d) Happy.

6. After Latimer's father's death, Latimer finds out what Bertha really think about him. What does she think about Latimer?
(a) She finds him strong and intelligent.
(b) She loves him more than he could ever imagine.
(c) She thinks of him as a weak, silly man and always had.
(d) She hates him and always has.

7. Where does the second part of The Lifted Veil start?
(a) Switzerland.
(b) Prague.
(c) England.
(d) Munich.

8. What does Latimer's father suggest he do now that Alfred is gone?
(a) Settle on living a life of solitude.
(b) Leave town.
(c) Become a priest.
(d) Marry Bertha.

9. What happens when Bertha is leaving the room after Charles has pronounced Mrs. Archer dead?
(a) She saw her leg move.
(b) She thought he was lying.
(c) She heard Mrs. Archer say something.
(d) She saw her open her eyes.

10. After marrying Bertha, why does Latimer feel coldness from her?
(a) He gains so much power that he chooses to leave her.
(b) She is unable to change him.
(c) He shows her nothing but coldness.
(d) Upon changing him, he became a horrible man.

11. What question does Latimer ask Bertha about their marriage?
(a) Will she try to kill him?
(b) Will she love him?
(c) Will she hate him?
(d) Will she be happy?

12. What day is Latimer to die?
(a) March 28, 1850.
(b) September 20, 1850.
(c) October 28, 1850.
(d) January 20, 1850.

13. What does Latimer's father's sorrow crush in him?
(a) Joy and celebration.
(b) Love and happiness.
(c) Fate and destiny.
(d) Pride and hope.

14. What does Bertha believe will ruin her marriage?
(a) Latimer's father.
(b) Money.
(c) Latimer.
(d) Love.

15. What does Alfred ask Bertha while they are walking?
(a) Why she is planning on running away.
(b) How she could love Alfred.
(c) If she believes in being able to see the future.
(d) How she could love their father.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is another reason that Latimer does not think the wedding will take place?

2. Why does Alfred invite Latimer to spend time with him?

3. Where does Alfred invite Latimer to go because it is "the finest thing in the world for low spirits"?

4. What time of year does Bertha get married?

5. Who becomes ill near the end of Charles' visit?

(see the answer keys)

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