The Lifted Veil Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lifted Veil Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Latimer's new talent show in others?
(a) Their love for Bertha.
(b) Their appreciation of Latimer.
(c) Their pettiness.
(d) Their fear of Latimer.

2. How does Bertha treat Latimer in private?
(a) She is not distant and leads him on.
(b) She is very distant and ignores him.
(c) She treats him like an infant.
(d) She is never alone with Latimer.

3. What subjects are private tutors hired to teach Latimer?
(a) Literature and writing.
(b) Art and music.
(c) Math and geometry.
(d) Natural science, history, and modern language.

4. What final piece of evidence does Latimer need to see before he decides if his visions are really true?
(a) The patch of rainbow light in the shape of a star on the pavement.
(b) The storm clouds.
(c) The bridge and archway.
(d) The row of trees and multi-colored birds.

5. What happens to Latimer while everyone is visiting Lichtenberg Palace?
(a) He has one vision of him killing Alfred.
(b) He asks Bertha to marry him.
(c) He has one vision of Bertha as his wife.
(d) He passes out.

6. When Latimer's father is late for their shopping trip, Latimer has another vision. What does Latimer see in this vision?
(a) A city bathed in light by a rainbow.
(b) His father, Mrs. Filmore, and a young blonde woman.
(c) His mother, Mrs. Archer, and an older blonde woman.
(d) A storm with very strong winds and hail.

7. Why does Latimer's father think he was strange?
(a) He is very outgoing.
(b) He is extremely loud.
(c) He is extremely sensitive.
(d) He is very intelligent.

8. After Latimer's vision of Prague, what city does Latimer try to "see"?
(a) New Zealand.
(b) Italy.
(c) Switzerland.
(d) Venice.

9. How does Latimer tell his story?
(a) Through diary analysis.
(b) Through dream interpretation.
(c) Through flashbacks.
(d) Through picture framing.

10. Where did the bond between Charles and Latimer come from?
(a) A shared illness.
(b) The community of feeling.
(c) The attractiveness of both boys.
(d) The intellect shared between them.

11. Who is described as handsome, confident, and extremely friendly, and evidently did not feel any rivalry with Latimer?
(a) His father.
(b) Mr. Filmore.
(c) Pierre.
(d) Alfred.

12. What emotion does Eliot want readers to share with Latimer?
(a) His pain.
(b) His joy.
(c) His happiness.
(d) His love.

13. What purpose does Latimer give to his life before he dies?
(a) None; he gives up.
(b) Revenge to all who have hurt him.
(c) Writing down the story of his life.
(d) Trying to make up to those he has hurt.

14. What is the affliction that the narrator suffers from?
(a) Psychosis.
(b) Depression.
(c) Angina Pectoris.
(d) Brain Tumors.

15. What does Latimer compare his arrival in Switzerland to?
(a) His homeland.
(b) The gates of hell.
(c) The worst moments of his life.
(d) The entrance to heaven.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Bertha Grant engaged to?

2. Why is Latimer's friend not accepted by society?

3. What is the woman's name that comes with Mrs. Filmore to Switzerland?

4. During his death, Latimer thinks of what natural images?

5. What happens as Latimer's ability to read minds becomes stronger?

(see the answer keys)

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