Life with Jeeves Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life with Jeeves Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom does Cyril have an altercation?
(a) A doctor.
(b) A professor.
(c) A police officer.
(d) A magistrate.

2. What is Steggles doing at Twing Hall?
(a) Participating in a hunting weekend.
(b) Studying for exams.
(c) Tutoring a boy.
(d) Practicing his tennis game.

3. Why does Roberta ask Bertie to climb a tree to create a diversion in Chapter 7 of "Very Good, Jeeves!"?
(a) So Roberta's cousin can sneak back into school.
(b) So Roberta can deliver a parcel to her cousin.
(c) So Roberta can sneak her cousin out of school.
(d) So Roberta can climb over a wall.

4. What is Cyril's surname?
(a) Pershore-Pershore.
(b) Bassington-Bassington.
(c) Worplesdon-Worplesdon.
(d) Winkworth-Winkworth.

5. At which bar did Miss Platt's aunt work?
(a) The Criterion.
(b) The Clarendon.
(c) The White Hart.
(d) The Blind Beggar.

6. What does Tuppy say Angela's latest hat makes her look like?
(a) A St. Bernard.
(b) A Chow.
(c) A Dalmatian.
(d) A Pekingese.

7. What does Lucius instruct Bertie to send to his sister?
(a) Chocolates.
(b) A necklace.
(c) Roses.
(d) A painting.

8. Who is Bertie infatuated with in Chapter 3 of "Very Good, Jeeves!"?
(a) Roberta Wickham.
(b) Aline Hemmingway.
(c) Pauline Stoker.
(d) Cynthia Wickhammersley.

9. Who runs the school that Roberta's cousin goes to?
(a) Miss Wedge.
(b) Miss Garland.
(c) Miss Underwood.
(d) Miss Mapleton.

10. What does Mr. Slingsby slip on when he comes to Bertie's flat?
(a) A banana.
(b) A stack of papers.
(c) A golf ball.
(d) A wet floor.

11. How much does Blumenfield pay Jeeves for the dog?
(a) Five pounds.
(b) Twenty-five pounds.
(c) Fifty pounds.
(d) Ten pounds.

12. What ends Cyril's theatre career?
(a) He forgets all of his lines in a performance.
(b) He offends the theatre manager's son.
(c) His father threatened to disinherit him unless he quit the theatre.
(d) He has an argument with the director.

13. What does Bertie set out to do to get even with Tuppy Glossop in Chapter 3 of "Very Good, Jeeves!"?
(a) Put itching powder in Tuppy's shoes.
(b) Put shoe polish on Tuppy's hair brush.
(c) Draw a moustache on Tuppy face while he sleeps.
(d) Puncture Tuppy's hot water bottle.

14. Why doesn't Miss Platt show up for the negotiations with Bertie?
(a) She has been called away by a friend.
(b) She has to work.
(c) She gets caught in bad weather.
(d) She has the flu.

15. Where is Bertie going to spend Christmas in Chapter 11 of "Very Good, Jeeves!"?
(a) Bleachings Court.
(b) Sanstead House.
(c) Ditteredge Hall.
(d) Marling Hall.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Aunt Agatha want Bertie to meet Filmer?

2. What does Jeeves think will provoke Thomas into misbehavior in Chapter 8 of "Very Good, Jeeves!"?

3. What is Cora's surname?

4. What product does Mr. Slingsby produce?

5. What does the woman Claude and Eustace are in love with do?

(see the answer keys)

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