Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bonhoeffer say about the law of Christ, which he believes is fulfilled in the cross?
(a) It frees Christians from the need to support each other.
(b) Christians can never live up to it.
(c) Christians must share in it just as they bear each other's burdens.
(d) The law of Christ has no relationship to bearing one another's burdens.

2. Bonhoeffer says that confessing sin to another is ____________.
(a) Enlightening.
(b) Embarrassing.
(c) Fun.
(d) Humiliating.

3. In the context of Chapter 5, what is making a mistake also known as?
(a) Missing the mark.
(b) Sin.
(c) Screwing up.
(d) Failure.

4. Does Bonhoeffer say that an individual is lonely while meditating?
(a) Sometimes, meditation can be lonely.
(b) It depends on the individual.
(c) Yes, meditation is lonely.
(d) No, meditation is not lonely.

5. According to Bonhoeffer, what has broken one's fellowship both with God and with one's brethren?
(a) Sin.
(b) Anger.
(c) Gossip.
(d) Laziness.

6. How many times each day does Bonhoeffer say a Christian in community should spend time alone in silence?
(a) Three.
(b) One.
(c) Never.
(d) Five.

7. What did Bonhoeffer call "an ultimate fulfillment of Christ's fellowship at table?"
(a) Dinner as a community.
(b) The Lord's Supper.
(c) Breakfast as a community.
(d) Church potlucks.

8. What does Bonhoeffer say about meditation?
(a) It is the means to self-actualization.
(b) It is the way to Nirvana.
(c) It is an essential part of community.
(d) It is the way to enlightenment.

9. Which Bible characters does Bonhoeffer present in Chapter 3 as examples of life alone?
(a) Jesus, Timothy, and Paul.
(b) Paul, Timothy, and John.
(c) Noah, Abraham, and Issac.
(d) Moses, David, and Elijah.

10. What type of person did Bonhoeffer say one should seek out as a confessor?
(a) A brother who is a close friend.
(b) A brother who understands the community's needs.
(c) A brother who can be trusted with a secret.
(d) A brother who almost never sins.

11. In Chapter 3, what does Bonhoeffer say is the best time of day for personal prayer, meditation and intercession?
(a) Whenever it can be fit in.
(b) Early in the morning.
(c) At midday.
(d) Late at night.

12. In Chapter 4, by what word does Bonhoeffer refer to the rules and recommendations by which he says members of a fellowship should behave?
(a) Ministries.
(b) Rules.
(c) Laws.
(d) Recommendations.

13. According to Bonhoeffer, what is the ministry of authority?
(a) The responsibilities of the seminary leader.
(b) The power to influence others.
(c) The national government.
(d) What the head bully does.

14. Finish the following concept Bonhoeffer puts forth in Chapter 3: Only when one is at ease with fellowship....
(a) Can one enjoy work.
(b) Can one be alone.
(c) Can one understand God.
(d) Can one be with others.

15. What did Bonhoeffer say about the man who is in sin and who has yet to confess it?
(a) He should be scorned and gossiped about.
(b) He is alone and separated from the community.
(c) He should be envied and put on a pedestal.
(d) He should be pitied and felt sorry for.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Bonhoeffer say that the blessings of successful struggle in solitude through the day alone and through strength of fellowship come from?

2. What does Bonhoeffer say that praying for intercession enables the members of a community to see each other as?

3. Not saying bad things is the ministry of:

4. Based on what Bonhoeffer says in Chapter 4, which of the elements of personal devotional time that he described in Chapter 3 tie in with the ministry of bearing?

5. According to what Bonhoeffer says, a ______ individual wants to be his own law.

(see the answer keys)

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