Life on the Outside: The Prison Odyssey of Elaine Bartlett Test | Final Test - Medium

Jennifer Gonnerman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life on the Outside: The Prison Odyssey of Elaine Bartlett Test | Final Test - Medium

Jennifer Gonnerman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Life on the Outside: The Prison Odyssey of Elaine Bartlett Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What went missing from Elaine's pocket in Chapter 37?
(a) Cell phone.
(b) Paycheck.
(c) Cash.
(d) Checkbook.

2. In Chapter 33, who has cream of turkey soup at a diner?
(a) Elaine.
(b) Donna Charles.
(c) Randy Credico.
(d) Angela Thompson.

3. By the time Jamel leaves prison, how many rap lyrics has he mailed to Tisha for safekeeping?
(a) 50.
(b) Over 500.
(c) 100.
(d) 300.

4. Who is the song about that Jamel recites for the open mike night at the nightclub?
(a) Regina.
(b) Sabrina.
(c) Tisha.
(d) Elaine.

5. What did Elaine's nieces and nephews refer to her as after her car accident?
(a) Goofy.
(b) Frankenstein.
(c) The Elephant Man.
(d) Freddy Kreuger.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 41, who is taking a data entry class?

2. What parole rule upsets Jamel the most?

3. Where is Nathan in prison at in Part III?

4. Whose drug test is negative in Chapter 41?

5. According to Chapter 40, who did the living room at Apartment 13B belong to?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Elaine realizes that a family member stole money from her, she does nothing. Why is that?

2. What is Jamel's ambition in Part 4, and how has he prepared for it?

3. Why does Elaine call 911 in Chapter 32?

4. Where does Elaine find herself on the third anniversary of her release from prison?

5. Why does Elaine tell Danae to leave her apartment and changes the locks?

6. Why is Elaine calling in to her job in Chapter 37? Do you think she has good reasons for doing so?

7. What is Donna Charles' situation upon leaving prison?

8. Why is Jamel upset with his new parole officer in Chapter 36?

9. What is Officer Russell's background?

10. Why is Jamel so angry with Cassandra?

(see the answer keys)

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