Life of Pi Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life of Pi Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Pi find when he boarded the other man's boat to scavenge for food?
(a) Olives, water, and canned fish.
(b) Fish, shark meat, and crackers.
(c) Turtle meat, fish, biscuit crumbs, and water.
(d) Nothing. The man's boat was as empty as his.

2. On whose estimated birthday did Pi sing "Happy Birthday"?
(a) His father's.
(b) The tiger's.
(c) His brother's.
(d) His mother's.

3. What ran out before Pi was done writing in his diary?
(a) His hope.
(b) Room on the page.
(c) The ink in his pens.
(d) Daylight.

4. What did Pi plan to do with the tiger once the tiger expressed friendliness and harmlessness?
(a) Tame him.
(b) Leave him.
(c) Kill him.
(d) Train him.

5. What did the interviewers do after Pi finished telling them what he told them?
(a) Talked to each other in Spanish, remarking that Pi had become unstable.
(b) Remarked to each other in Japanese that they found the story interesting and then took a short break.
(c) Remarked to eachother in Japanese that Pi was not very forthcoming about his experiences.
(d) Remarked to each other in Spanish that Pi was brilliant and his story was sad.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Pi use, lose, and re-create, to protect himself while training the tiger?

2. How long did the two men dispatched to the town interview Pi for?

3. How did Richard Parker react when Pi shouted a greeting to him?

4. What happened after Pi discovered he was blind?

5. What did Pi find solace in, even though he had to continually reconsider his place in God's universe?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Part 3, Chapter 100, the author receives a letter from Japanese officials about their interview with Pi. They remark that they found Pi to have had amazing fortitude to survive his ordeal. Why did they find his ordeal so amazing?

2. How was Pi's sleep effected by his stress in Part 2, Chapter 68?

3. Discuss the "dream rag," first discussed by Pi in Part 2, Chapter 87.

4. In Part 3, Chapters 98 and 99, the Japanese officials interviewed Pi about his story. Why do you think that the officials did not believe Pi?

5. In Part 2, Chapter 89, Pi reached his lowest point in the crisis, and did what? What was Richard Parker's state during this time?

6. Why did Pi find himself distracted & entertained by the underside of the raft in Part 2, Chapter 67?

7. In Part 2, Chapter 76, the author discusses Pi and the tiger's behavior regarding the tiger's feces. What does their behavior signify?

8. In Part 2, Chapter 94, how did Pi and Richard Parker part ways on the beach in Mexico?

9. In Part 2, Chapter 79, Pi was entertained by the tiger's behavior with the sharks. Explain.

10. In Part 3, Chapters 96 and 97, Pi told the Japanese officials what about his ordeal?

(see the answer keys)

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