Life of Pi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life of Pi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose voice did Pi start to hear after he discovered he was blind?
(a) His brother's.
(b) A man's.
(c) His mother's.
(d) The tiger's.

2. What else did Pi catch besides fish?
(a) Sharks.
(b) Turtles.
(c) Eels.
(d) Birds.

3. What type of storm was Pi struck with the beauty and wonder of?
(a) A hurricane.
(b) A lightning storm.
(c) A thunder storm.
(d) A monsoon.

4. After Pi was nearly starving, what did a storm of flying fish bring onto the boat?
(a) A turtle.
(b) A large dorado.
(c) The raft.
(d) A shark.

5. What is life's only opponent, in the eyes of Pi?
(a) Exhaustion.
(b) Death.
(c) Power.
(d) Fear.

6. What did the officials say to the author about the interview with Pi?
(a) It was amazing and heroic.
(b) It was difficult and memorable.
(c) It was hard but purposeful.
(d) It was incomplete and unusual.

7. When did Pi start spending more time on the lifeboat?
(a) When the raft was ruined in the storm.
(b) When Pi lost his blanket to the sea during the storm.
(c) When the tiger moved to the raft.
(d) When the tiger did not attack him after the storm.

8. Where were the two men from who were dispatched to the town where Pi recovered in an effort to interview him?
(a) Canada.
(b) Mexico.
(c) United States.
(d) Japan.

9. What did Pi discover, days after the tiger started rubbing his eyes and meowing?
(a) The tiger's gentleness.
(b) The tiger's sore leg.
(c) The tiger's sensitivity.
(d) The tiger's blindness.

10. What were two big events in Pi's daily routine?
(a) Collecting rainfall and catching turtles.
(b) Talking with the tiger and fishing.
(c) Eating and drinking water on his raft.
(d) Taking his raft out for a while and feeding the tiger.

11. What did Pi always feel at the center of?
(a) A huge circle made of sky and ocean.
(b) The circle of life.
(c) The circle of the sea.
(d) A circle of despair and hopelessness.

12. What did the manual suggest Pi drink as a nutritious drink?
(a) Fish guts.
(b) Tiger urine.
(c) Turtle blood.
(d) Sea Water.

13. Where did Pi, Richard Parker, and the lifeboat, finally land?
(a) Florida.
(b) Panama.
(c) Mexico.
(d) California.

14. What two things does Pi attribute his survival alongside Richard Parker with?
(a) His faith in his religion and his mother's love for him.
(b) His ignorance at the true dangers of Richard Parker and luck.
(c) The seperate spaces of the raft and the lifeboat.
(d) Richard Parker's tendency towards seasickness and Pi being the provider of food and water.

15. What was the date that Pi's interview with the officials began?
(a) February 19, 1978.
(b) April 17, 1998.
(c) January 12, 1968.
(d) March 24, 1988.

Short Answer Questions

1. What emerged for Pi through the darkest times?

2. What did Pi have a hard time butchering?

3. When Pi awoke in the middle of the night and saw the huge moonlit sky before him, what did he think about with regards to himself and the rest of the sea?

4. What did Pi finally realize after reading the manual written by a British Royal Navy commander?

5. What did Pi find when he boarded the other man's boat to scavenge for food?

(see the answer keys)

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