Life of Pi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life of Pi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the main character think about the animals in the zoo?
(a) They were not happy living in the zoo.
(b) They were fearful of the other animals in the zoo.
(c) They would like to return to the wild.
(d) They were happy living in the zoo.

2. Which of the following is true about Pi's family's departure from India?
(a) Other families on the ship were going to Canada as well.
(b) Pi was excited about leaving, but his mother was sad.
(c) The whole family was excited about going to Canada.
(d) The ship was delayed in its departure because of weather.

3. Which of the reasons listed below is NOT one of the reasons Pi's father decided to move the family to Canada?
(a) His father hoped to provide a better life for the family in Canada.
(b) His father worried about the political situation in India.
(c) His father thought there would be changes in India because of Mrs. Ghandi.
(d) His father wanted to give Pi a broader view of life and religion.

4. Which of the following statements is true about Pi's parents' practice of their religion?
(a) Pi's parents were not very religious.
(b) Pi's mother had a Hindu upbringing, but had been schooled as a Presbyterian.
(c) Pi's father was raised as a Hindu, but had been schooled as a Baptist.
(d) Pi's parents practiced their Hindu religion faithfully all the time.

5. Pi took inventory of what on the boat?
(a) A cage.
(b) A metal cupboard.
(c) A wooden trunk.
(d) The locker.

6. What animal do zookeepers think of as the most dangerous animal in the zoo?
(a) Hippos.
(b) Lions.
(c) Man.
(d) Tigers.

7. What did Pi do when he didn't feel as welcome to his interfaith practices as before?
(a) Talked to his religious teachers.
(b) Attended Hindu temple only at quiet times.
(c) Lingered after Muslim prayers.
(d) Changed Christian churches.

8. What did Richard Parker kill while Pi was building the raft?
(a) A rat.
(b) A bird.
(c) A fish.
(d) A hyena.

9. When did Pi feel that God was very close to him?
(a) One day when he was riding his bike home from Mr. Kumar's, the Muslim.
(b) When he was praying in the mosque.
(c) When he was praying in the Christian church.
(d) When he watched the Muslim shopkeeper.

10. According to Pi, when have successful zookeepers created a healthy environment for the animals?
(a) When the animals don't try to get out.
(b) When the animals eat well.
(c) When the animals reproduce.
(d) When the animals get along with humans.

11. Pi did what with the raft after he built it?
(a) Set it free into the water.
(b) Tethered it to the boat.
(c) Put it on the dry land to keep it safe.
(d) Used it to build a wall to block Richard Parker's view of him sleeping.

12. Why does the author promise the reader a happy ending to Pi's tale?
(a) Because people like to read books with happy endings.
(b) So the reader will continue reading the story.
(c) So the reader will not feel so sad.
(d) He has no specific reason for doing this.

13. Who was Mr. Satish Kumar?
(a) Mr. Kumar was an agnostic.
(b) Mr. Kumar was a Communist and atheist.
(c) Mr. Kumar was the reason Pi studied theology.
(d) Mr. Kumar was a good looking man who believed in God.

14. In Part 1, Chapter 36, who is not at Pi's home to welcome the author when the author meets again with Pi and his family?
(a) Pi's daughter.
(b) Pi's cat.
(c) Pi's son.
(d) Pi's wife.

15. What was the response of Pi's mother to his request for a Christian baptism and a prayer rug?
(a) His mother conceded to his wishes, but only after he argued with her.
(b) His mother told him it was his father's decision.
(c) His mother was supportive of him as soon as he asked.
(d) His mother did not concede to his wishes.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Pi was learning about Islam, he visited a Muslim shopkeeper. Which of the following statements is true?

2. The main character's father loved to talk about what subject?

3. In Pi's story, which of these statements is true about the black leopard that escaped from the Zurich Zoo?

4. As night fell on his first day in the lifeboat, why did Pi become scared?

5. How large was the boat?

(see the answer keys)

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