Life Is Elsewhere Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life Is Elsewhere Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the highest point of happiness which Jaromil reaches so far in his life?
(a) Sleeping with the girl he met at dancing class.
(b) A girl resting her head on his shoulder.
(c) His father's memorial service as a war hero.
(d) The reconciliation with his mother after their fight.

2. What is Xavier's first impression of the woman in the house?
(a) Happiness.
(b) Melancholy.
(c) Tiredness.
(d) Contentment.

3. Jaromil agonizes over his hair. What kind of hair does he have?
(a) Dark, thick hair.
(b) Thin, brown hair.
(c) Very curly hair.
(d) Soft, blond hair.

4. Why is revolution an exciting prospect to young people?
(a) They can act without consequences.
(b) It provides the excitement they crave.
(c) It gives them an outlet for violent and sexual cravings.
(d) They are able to destroy their fathers' world.

5. According to the poet's father, where was the poet conceived?
(a) In the mother's apartment.
(b) In the apartment of his colleague.
(c) In the countryside near Prague.
(d) On a park bench.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the opinion of Jaromil's uncle, why did the revolution occur?

2. What night does Magda take her bath?

3. What does the theme of the long poem reveal about Jaromil's thoughts?

4. What distinctive piece of clothing does the old woman wear when she dances with Xavier?

5. How is the university girl different from any other girl Jaromil has known?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Xavier leave the woman behind at the end of Part 2?

2. How does Kundera describe Jaromil's nursing? How does this set the tone for the future relationship between mother and son?

3. When Maman combs Jaromil's hair in front of her guests, how does he react? According to the implications of the text, how does this deepen the rift between them?

4. Who is Jaromil's only school friend? What picture do these two children present?

5. What is the point of the scene in which Xavier leads his military compatriots to battle? Why does he not get his wish for death?

6. Given the first three paragraphs of Part 2, what leads the reader to believe that this character is Jaromil? What clues tell the reader that it is someone else?

7. What does the artist want most of all for Maman? Why is this difficult for her?

8. When the artist explains the red and brown painting to Maman, what is her response? How does this set the tone for the rest of their relationship?

9. How does the artist's concept of an "inner world" (Part 1, Chapter 6, pg 30) dramatically change Jaromil's character?

10. Why is Jaromil thrilled at the thought of catching Magda, the family maid, in the bathtub? What does this say about his sexual development?

(see the answer keys)

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