Life Is Elsewhere Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life Is Elsewhere Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The last time the man and girl had seen each other, what had they talked about?
(a) The girl was unhappy in their relationship.
(b) The man wanted a greater commitment but the girl was unwilling.
(c) The girl was leaving him to be with the young man she loved.
(d) The girl wanted to move in with the man.

2. Why has the middle-aged man arranged signals with the people who visit him?
(a) He hates to be surprised by visitors.
(b) He does not trust that the person at the door is a friend.
(c) He likes to pretend that he is part of a covert operation.
(d) He is a spy and needs to know who is visiting.

3. Why is Jaromil jealous of the redhead?
(a) Because her doctor sees her body.
(b) She will not tell him where she got the flowers on the table.
(c) She receives letters from a man he does not know.
(d) He suspects that she is cheating.

4. Why is there silence at the beginning of the question-and-answer time following the recitation?
(a) The poets are professional and know what the questions will be.
(b) No one cares about the poems enough to ask questions.
(c) No one knows how to begin.
(d) Everyone is respectfully waiting for the silver-haired poet to speak first.

5. Symbolically, what role does Maman want to play in Jaromil's life?
(a) A large meadow.
(b) A guardian angel.
(c) An all-encompassing embrace.
(d) The source of eternal light.

6. According to the janitor's son, why do policemen like to read poetry?
(a) They are proving that they are not like the cutthroat policemen of the former regime.
(b) They enjoy something delicate after a hard day's work.
(c) They want to be connected to the common people.
(d) They monitor it to make sure the poets aren't writing anything against the state.

7. How does Maman destroy the intimacy between Jaromil and herself?
(a) By looking down on the redhead because of her job.
(b) By suggesting that the redhead sleeps around.
(c) By insulting the redhead's manners.
(d) By telling Jaromil he could find a better girl.

8. Why does the man work in a factory?
(a) He has always wanted to work with his hands.
(b) He is suspicious of any white-collar job, which is often involved in the unsteady political trends.
(c) The government had decided he was too closely connected to capitalist England.
(d) It was punishment for his anti-Communist writings.

9. While watching the beautiful cinematographer on the bus, what does Jaromil realize?
(a) That he has fallen in love with her.
(b) How ugly the redhead is.
(c) That he will never love anyone but Maman.
(d) How little his poetry is worth compared to the cinematographer.

10. Why was Maman initially pleased to think about meeting Jaromil's girlfriend?
(a) She thought perhaps she could make a friend.
(b) She wanted to make peace with Jaromil by meeting his girlfriend.
(c) She had told the downstairs tenant that her family would need the entire upper floor.
(d) She wanted to befriend the redhead so she could control Jaromil more.

11. What happens to Jaromil's uncle?
(a) He contracts pneumonia and dies.
(b) He is charged with fraud and imprisoned.
(c) He is charged with being an enemy of the state and imprisoned.
(d) He leaves his wife to hide in a remote village.

12. Why is Jaromil not jealous when he considers the redhead in the hands of the policemen?
(a) Once she is gone, he no longer cares about her.
(b) She is his creation and therefore belongs only to him.
(c) He knows that her love for him will never waver.
(d) He has deep faith that the policemen will never hurt her.

13. What is the redhead's reaction to Jaromil's poetry printed in the newspaper?
(a) She thought he was wasting his time.
(b) She was thrilled to have a famous boyfriend.
(c) She did not understand the poem.
(d) She had not even known he wrote poetry.

14. When does Jaromil feel that the girl belongs to him completely?
(a) When she swears to love him forever.
(b) When he writes a poem about her.
(c) When she lets him undress her.
(d) When his hands are around her neck.

15. When Jaromil has difficulty undressing the redhead, what is the girl wearing?
(a) A grey dress with a wide collar.
(b) A thin negligee.
(c) A dress with large white buttons down the front.
(d) A dress with small black buttons down the back.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of Part 6, Chapter 1, what does Kundera do with the story?

2. Why does the newspaper editor not want to publish Jaromil's poems?

3. How does the film begin?

4. While Jaromil is answering questions about love and socialism, what is he most conscious of?

5. Why is it important to Jaromil that he die by fire?

(see the answer keys)

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