Life Is Elsewhere Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Life Is Elsewhere Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first time Jaromil's words save him from punishment?
(a) When he used adult vocabulary at a young age.
(b) When he began reciting the encyclopedia.
(c) When his insult was a rhyme.
(d) When he yelled in a trochee speech pattern.

2. What is the artist's opinion about Jaromil's drawings of headless women?
(a) The environments of the pictures do not acknowledge humanity.
(b) Jaromil's drawings reflect a fear of women.
(c) Jaromil does not have enough talent to draw portraits.
(d) Jaromil does not acknowledge humanity.

3. In looking at the Apollo statue, what does Maman hope?
(a) That her son will resemble the god rather than his human father.
(b) That Apollo will protect her son from the world.
(c) That her son will inherit the god's divine attributes.
(d) That the gods will treat her child favorably.

4. Which famous composer's music is played at the blond girl's funeral?
(a) Mozart's.
(b) Chopin's.
(c) Bach's.
(d) Beethoven's.

5. During the summer, why is Jaromil alone?
(a) He has alienated all his friends.
(b) The university girl left town.
(c) Maman is rarely home.
(d) His grandma died and the house is nearly empty.

6. What does Xavier do with the husband after his presence is discovered?
(a) Pushes the husband out the three-story window.
(b) Wrestles the husband to the ground and ties his hands.
(c) Pushes the husband into the wardrobe and locks it.
(d) Beats him up so that he loses consciousness.

7. What is the primary reason that Xavier runs into danger ahead of his comrades?
(a) He wants to live in the exciting aura of death.
(b) He wants to make up for losing the list that they wanted.
(c) He would rather die in battle as die an old man.
(d) He wants to show them that he is a man and worthy of their friendship.

8. What is the silver-haired poet's attitude toward the poetry reading in the auditorium?
(a) He deserves to be honored for his poetic achievements.
(b) He is grateful to Marxism for bringing such disparate people together.
(c) He is a young person moving toward the future.
(d) He is too good for the young people who have gathered.

9. Why does Jaromil not speak to the cashier when she leaves the store?
(a) She is always with a man.
(b) He prefers to walk next to her silently.
(c) She is always with another girl.
(d) He does not have enough courage to approach her.

10. What is the highest point of happiness which Jaromil reaches so far in his life?
(a) His father's memorial service as a war hero.
(b) The reconciliation with his mother after their fight.
(c) Sleeping with the girl he met at dancing class.
(d) A girl resting her head on his shoulder.

11. Why does Jaromil imitate his peers' actions and speech as if he's in a mirror?
(a) He does not know how to be his own person.
(b) He is a year younger than they are.
(c) He has very low self-esteem.
(d) He is a year older than they are.

12. What is the redhead's perception of Jaromil's interest in her?
(a) He is interested in her only because the brunette is gone.
(b) It is his destiny to be with her.
(c) He has been interested in her a long time and used to wait for her outside the store.
(d) He has been interested in her ever since she caught him staring in her window.

13. According to Kundera, what is "the first precondition of freedom" (Part III, Chapter 18, pg 121)?
(a) Being able to love without guilt.
(b) Losing parents in death.
(c) Never having parents.
(d) Never having children.

14. Why does Jaromil not react to the words his mother painted for his room redecoration?
(a) He does not recognize that the words are his.
(b) He is ashamed that she used his own words.
(c) He is amazed that his words have their own significance.
(d) He is embarrassed to show how proud he is of them.

15. Why do Jaromil's drawings favor dogs?
(a) He draws dogs best.
(b) He cannot draw any other animal.
(c) He sees dogs as the symbol of virtue and natural goodness.
(d) He loves dogs better than any other animal.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Jaromil wait to show his poetry to the university girl?

2. During the Marxist debate which Jaromil attends, how does one person cause a distraction?

3. Why is the famous poet booed by the audience after he reads a poem?

4. What does Jaromil hang on the wall in his room?

5. Why is revolution an exciting prospect to young people?

(see the answer keys)

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