Life Is a Dream Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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Life Is a Dream Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Segismundo engaged in the above activity in question #66?

2. Why does Rosaura chase the person who is the answer to question #1?

3. Of whom is Astolfo the son?

4. What does Basilio do to Rosaura and Clarnn?

5. Who arrives and learns of Segismundo's murder and what does he do?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Basilio's decision regarding who the heir is to the throne?

2. Because of some "portent" Basilio reads in the stars at his son's birth, he locks up his son, Segismundo, while still a baby and is determine to keep him confined for the rest of Segismundo's life. Is this a wise decision?

3. What happens when Clotaldo spies the sword which Rosaura is wearing?

4. What are some of the ways Segismundo demonstrates his unsuitability for the throne?

5. Why do you think Astolfo praises Estrella's physical beauty?

6. How do Estrella and Astolfo act when the Basilio appears?

7. Why does Basilio want to abdicate his throne?

8. Do you believe the solution for the two to marry and rule jointly is a good compromise?

9. How does Basilio know the kind of ruler Segismundo would be?

10. What is Basilio's response to hearing about why Rosaura and Clarnn are brought before him in chains?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

After Basilio and his army is defeated, Basilio offers himself as a "sacrifice" in place of punishment for the rest of his followers. Write a cohesive essay addressing the questions below using specific examples from the text and your personal life.

Define the concept of sacrifice. Research the idea of sacrifice in the political arena. Write an essay describing several instances of someone who willingly sacrifices him/herself for the sake of the lives of others and/or the political careers of others. Have you ever had to offer to sacrifice something for someone else's well-being? How did you feel in doing so? Was the sacrifice willingly offered? What are some situations in which you would be willing to be a "sacrifice" for others?

Essay Topic 2

Clotaldo continually prevaricates both to Segismundo and Rosaura; he does so because of his loyalty to the king (in Segismundo's case) and out of feeling obligated to Astolfo for saving Clotaldo's life. Write a cohesive essay addressing the questions below using specific examples from the text and your personal life.

Is there ever a good justification for lying--either by actively lying or passively not speaking up? About what would you feel fine lying to someone? Are there times that you would absolutely refuse to lie? Are there degrees of truth? How do you feel emotionally when you have lied? Does it depend upon the reason you lie? Do you believe Clotaldo is justified in lying both to Segismundo over the years and more recently to Rosaura?

Essay Topic 3

Act 2, Scene One offers some complex themes and behaviors that are worth examining. One interesting idea is the differences and similarities among three of the men who appear in this scene. Answer the following questions thoroughly using detailed examples from Act 2, Scene 1, and any other examples from the rest of the play.

1. Compare and contrast the attitudes and behaviors of Astolfo, Segismundo, and Clotaldo towards women.

2. What are the similarities among the three? The differences?

3. Who do you think would be most likely to actually rape Estrella at this point in the play? What about in other scenes?

4. At the beginning of the play, how likely is it that Segismundo will rape a woman? By the end of the play how likely? Explain your response.

5. What do you think is the difference between how Clotaldo treated Violente, Astolfo treated Rosaura, and what Segismundo wants to do first to Estrella and then to Rosaura?

(see the answer keys)

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