Life Is a Dream Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life Is a Dream Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a predominant characteristic of Rosuara?
(a) Stupidity.
(b) Fearfulness.
(c) Determination.
(d) Forgiveness.

2. What seems to be a predominant characteristic of Clotaldo?
(a) Simple-minded.
(b) Decisive.
(c) Bravery.
(d) Indecision.

3. What does Clarnn fail to do?
(a) Make the most of the mistake to get free.
(b) Say he is Segismundo.
(c) Protect himself from a sword thrust.
(d) Arise for the King.

4. What in this scene is a possible theme of this work?
(a) That life can be confounded by a dream.
(b) That if you are too frustrated, you should just kill someone to solve the problem.
(c) That a father can predict a son's future at the son's birth.
(d) That beautiful women are so irrisitable, rape is acceptable.

5. What does Clotaldo say was all a dream?
(a) The palace, the women, and the prince's finery.
(b) Being in the tower; the prince is in a castle and always has been.
(c) Segismundo murdering the servant.
(d) Rosuara and Clarnn coming to the tower.

6. How does Clotoldo attempt to compromise with Rosaura?
(a) Tells her that if she doesn't stop talking about this situation, she'll have to return home.
(b) Tells her he'll find her a husband that won't care if she's a virgin.
(c) Offers her one thousand gold coins.
(d) Tells her he will name her his heir.

7. What does Segismundo say he ought to do to Clotaldo?
(a) Have him exiled.
(b) Have him proclaimed Lord Chancellor.
(c) Have him executed.
(d) Have him crowned as king.

8. How did they get Segismundo back to his cell in the tower?
(a) Servants and Clarnn carried him.
(b) They forced him at swordpoint to walk back.
(c) They put him in the king's carriage.
(d) Segismundo is still at the castle and merely dreaming that he is back in his cell.

9. What is another thing that Segismundo demonstrates by allowing Caltaldo to leave?
(a) That he has mastered his emotions.
(b) That he wasn't really angry at Caltaldo.
(c) That Caltaldo isn't important to the storyline.
(d) That Segismund is catatonic.

10. What is likely to be Clotaldo's true feelings when he pronounces Astolfo as vile?
(a) That he believes Rosaura is lying about the whole situation.
(b) That he believes Astolfo was justified in raping Rosaura.
(c) That he plans to murder Astolfo in his sleep.
(d) That he does not hold Astolfo to much account.

11. When Rosaura speaks at length about honor, how does Clotaldo respond?
(a) He is confounded by her brilliance.
(b) A banal trestise on the need for loyalty to one's superiors.
(c) He slaps Rosaura for being so pig-headed.
(d) Total agreement.

12. What is likely to happen given that the story is incomplete and the foreshadowing that has taken place up to this point?
(a) Segismundo will escape from the tower.
(b) Segismundo will commit suicide.
(c) Segismundo will kill his father.
(d) Segismundo will marry Astrea.

13. With what does the rebellion against the king begin?
(a) An act of mercy.
(b) Freeing of all political prisoners.
(c) No one is rebelling against the rightful king.
(d) A cheer and a toast.

14. Where does Astolfo go?
(a) To the site of the military action.
(b) To Estrella's room to offer her some romantic poetry.
(c) To his room to pack and flee the riots.
(d) To the tower to intercept and kill Segismundo.

15. What does Segismundo occasionally wonder about throughout the rest of the story?
(a) If Rosaura is in love with him.
(b) If he should try to compensate the family of the servant he killed.
(c) Whether he really did dream the experience.
(d) If his dream could be prophetic.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Segismundo reply to Clotaldo's lesson?

2. Who is bemoaning his fate?

3. What does Segismundo do to Clotaldo instead of the action suggested in question #119?

4. How could Segismundo's status be described at the end of this scene?

5. Who believes Clotaldo has played him for a fool?

(see the answer keys)

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