Life in the Iron Mills, and Other Stories Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life in the Iron Mills, and Other Stories Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the narrator’s husband’s youngest son in “The Wife’s Story”?
(a) James
(b) Teddy
(c) Peter
(d) Hugh

2. Mrs. Palmer discovers that a man named Mr. Corvill is on the train with her in “Anne.” Corvill is noted as the name of a famous what?
(a) Opera singer
(b) Author
(c) Figure-painter
(d) Politician

3. Who does the narrator’s husband say used to trot Jacky “on his knee on the school-house steps” when she was a baby in “The Wife’s Story”?
(a) James Matthews
(b) Denver Wilson
(c) Jim Arndt
(d) Peter Orwell

4. The narrator describes the home she lives in with her husband by the river as being what color of farmhouse in “The Wife’s Story”?
(a) Chocolate
(b) Yellow
(c) Lavender
(d) Scarlett

5. The narrator of “The Wife’s Story” says “It will be enough for me to give you the history of one day, - that of our first coming to” where?
(a) Newport
(b) Philadelphia
(c) Paris
(d) Boston

Short Answer Questions

1. When Mrs. Palmer returns from walking in the woods, Susan tells her she must take “four grains of quinine and” what when going to bed in “Anne”?

2. What is the name of Mrs. Palmer’s servant who tells her a man is there for his money when Mrs. Palmer awakens in “Anne”?

3. When Susan tries putting a shawl in Mrs. Palmer in “Anne,” Mrs. Palmer replies, “I am not in my dotage, child, that I cannot walk out without being wrapped up like” what?

4. What Jacky’s last name in “The Wife’s Story”?

5. The narrator’s husband in “The Wife’s Story” tells her when his business fails that it “would have been better I had not trusted the whole to” whom?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the character of Anne doing in the opening of the last story, “Anne”?

2. What information does Jacky relate to Hester regarding Dr. Manning’s first wife in “The Wife’s Story”?

3. How would you describe the character of Hester in “The Wife’s Story”? What information is established about Hester in the opening of the story?

4. Where does Mrs. Palmer travel in “Anne”? How does she fund her travels?

5. What does the narrator note about the character of Mrs. Palmer in the ending of “Anne”?

6. What was the ultimate changing point in the marriage between Hester and Dr. Manning in “The Wife’s Story”?

7. What does Hester discover about her husband after she’s left him in “The Wife’s Story”?

8. What conflict arises in “The Wife’s Story” relating to Hester’s musical ambitions?

9. How would you describe the ending of “The Wife’s Story”? What happens to Hester?

10. What happens to Mrs. Palmer in the denouement of “Anne”?

(see the answer keys)

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