Life in the Iron Mills, and Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life in the Iron Mills, and Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What Greek goddess of love and beauty does the narrator describe a sculpture of in “Life in the Iron Mills”?
(a) Athena
(b) Echo
(c) Aphrodite
(d) Achilles

2. From whom did Deborah presumably steal the money in “Life in the Iron Mills”?
(a) Mr. Kirby
(b) Mr. Mitchell
(c) Dr. May
(d) Mr. Wolfe

3. What feeder at the mill does Hugh look down on at the marketplace from his cell in “Life in the Iron Mills”?
(a) Mr. Clarke
(b) Neff Sanders
(c) Mr. Peters
(d) Pete Small

4. What deformity is Deborah said to be afflicted with in “Life in the Iron Mills”?
(a) She is deaf
(b) She is blind
(c) She is hunchbacked
(d) She is an amputee

5. What does Hugh use to commit suicide in jail in “Life in the Iron Mills”?
(a) A rope
(b) A bed sheet
(c) A police gun
(d) A piece of tin

6. Where does Deborah go to live after serving her jail sentence in “Life in the Iron Mills”?
(a) With Old Wolfe
(b) With her mother
(c) With the Quakers
(d) With Janey and her husband

7. How is Deborah related to Hugh Wolfe in “Life in the Iron Mills”?
(a) She’s his cousin
(b) She’s his sister
(c) She’s his aunt
(d) She’s his daughter

8. The narrator tells the reader in the beginning of “Life in the Iron Mills,” I will tell you plainly that I have a great hope; and I bring it to you to be” what?
(a) Digested
(b) Tested
(c) Embraced
(d) Remembered

9. Of the sculpture discovered by the visitors at the iron mill in “Life in the Iron Mills,” the narrator says, “There was not one line of beauty or grace in it: a nude woman’s form, muscular, grown coarse with labor, the powerful limbs instinct with some one poignant” what?
(a) Belief
(b) Longing
(c) Pregnancy
(d) Plea

10. Where did Rebecca Harding Davis largely grow up?
(a) Montclair, New Jersey
(b) Huntington, Virginia
(c) Wheeling, West Virginia
(d) Little Rock, Arkansas

11. How many centuries ago does the narrator describe Christ rising up from the people in “Life in the Iron Mills”?
(a) 16
(b) 18
(c) 15
(d) 10

12. What word from “Life in the Iron Mills” means slow, dull, or sluggish?
(a) Torrid
(b) Trepid
(c) Tainted
(d) Torpid

13. Dr. May says in “Life in the Iron Mills,” “That is true philosophy. Drift with the stream, because you cannot” what?
(a) Face the harshness of the deep
(b) Dive deep enough to find bottom
(c) Answer for the current
(d) Swim against the current

14. At what time does Deborah return home from the cotton mill in the beginning of “Life in the Iron Mills”?
(a) 3:00
(b) 10:00
(c) 1:00
(d) 11:00

15. The character called Mitchell in “Life in the Iron Mills” is said to be an amateur what?
(a) Comedian
(b) Opera singer
(c) Gymnast
(d) Hypnotist

Short Answer Questions

1. Rebecca Harding Davis was the eldest of how many children in her family?

2. Of Hugh Wolfe, the narrator says in “Life in the Iron Mills,” “His soul within him was smothering to death; he wanted so much, thought so much, and knew” what?

3. Mitchell claims in “Life in the Iron Mills,” “Reform is born of need, not” what?

4. When was Rebecca Harding Davis born?

5. The narrator describes the mill workers in the beginning of “Life in the Iron Mills” as “laired in by day in dens of drunkenness and” what?

(see the answer keys)

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