Life in the Iron Mills, and Other Stories Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life in the Iron Mills, and Other Stories Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Wife's Story.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The author of “A Biographical Interpretation” states that Rebecca Harding Davis grew up along what river?
(a) The Hudson River
(b) The Ohio River
(c) The Columbus River
(d) The Colorado River

2. What is the name of the overseer that comes with the visiting men to the mill in “Life in the Iron Mills”?
(a) Mr. Kirk
(b) Mr. Wolfe
(c) Mr. Clarke
(d) Mr. Mitchell

3. From whom did Deborah presumably steal the money in “Life in the Iron Mills”?
(a) Mr. Mitchell
(b) Mr. Kirby
(c) Dr. May
(d) Mr. Wolfe

4. What word does the narrator use in the beginning of “Life in the Iron Mills” to refer to a person who takes up an art, activity, or subject merely for amusement?
(a) Dilettante
(b) Diva
(c) Maestro
(d) Debutante

5. The narrator describes a white bust of whom in the library of their home in “The Wife’s Story”?
(a) Psyche
(b) Aphrodite
(c) Echo
(d) Athena

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does the narrator’s husband say used to trot Jacky “on his knee on the school-house steps” when she was a baby in “The Wife’s Story”?

2. Who throws Deborah money as the visiting men at the mill depart in “Life in the Iron Mills”?

3. Who wrote “A Biographical Interpretation” of Rebecca Harding Davis’s “Life in the Iron Mills”?

4. How long after her marriage does the narrator of “The Wife’s Story” say she and her husband moved?

5. By what nickname is Hugh Wolfe called in the mill in “Life in the Iron Mills”?

(see the answer key)

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