Life and Times of Michael K Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life and Times of Michael K Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Michael K learns of men on the mountains who come out at night to disrupt the government villages, called ____________.
(a) Saboteurs.
(b) Rangers.
(c) Strangolos.
(d) Ghost men.

2. The doctor pleaded with Captain Noel to __________ and let Michael K go.
(a) Create death orders.
(b) Make up a story.
(c) Get over it.
(d) Ignore Michael K.

3. The only food that Michael K had to eat was ______ and grubs when he was staying in the cave.
(a) Bread.
(b) Paper.
(c) Pumpkins.
(d) Roots.

4. When the police found Michael K delirious, they assumed that he was _________ as he was wandering around in a stupor.
(a) Sick.
(b) Crazy.
(c) A refugee.
(d) Drunk.

5. Fights among the refugees took place as people argued over the ____________ of items in the middle of camp.
(a) Usages.
(b) Quality.
(c) Distribution.
(d) Ownership.

Short Answer Questions

1. The relative of Captain Oosthuizen was a ____________ and drove Michael K ruthlessly the entire day.

2. Michael K was unresponsive and the doctor became enraged when Michael K said that he was not in ________.

3. What age did Michael K claim to be even though he seemed to look a lot older than this?

4. What was Michael K too weak to fight off, so it was inserted into his body to help him feel better?

5. Michael K decided to find another cave, one that was higher up and closer to the ________ line.

Short Essay Questions

1. What did K tell Captain Noel when the captain asked him about his garden?

2. What did the guard say when he was asked why K had even been a part of the training?

3. What were some the accusations that K was facing, according to Captain Noel when he speaks to the doctor?

4. What enraged the doctor during the interrogation of Michael after there were more attacks on Prince Albert?

5. Why did the doctor want the captain to discharge Michael out of the camp?

6. What do Captain Noel and the doctor decide to do with K after they realize he did not do anything?

7. What did K refuse to do when he was put in with the regular refugees at the camp?

8. Where was K admitted for medical assistance during the first part of this chapter?

9. What was the doctor's reasoning behind feeling that K was innocent of the charges?

10. What was the name that was given to Michael by the Captain, even though Michael tried to explain what his actual name was?

(see the answer keys)

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