Life and Times of Michael K Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Life and Times of Michael K Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Captain Noel explained that Michael K was accused of being _____________.
(a) A spy.
(b) A rebel leader.
(c) A relative of the rebel leader.
(d) An arsonist.

2. What was Michael K too weak to fight off, so it was inserted into his body to help him feel better?
(a) Food drip.
(b) A screw in his head.
(c) Nose cannula.
(d) A banana bag.

3. Michael K made strange statements that make the doctor believe his ________ is dead.
(a) Mother.
(b) Father.
(c) Uncle.
(d) Brother.

4. __________ were posted at every date with orders to shoot anyone outside of the wire at the walls.
(a) Blue men.
(b) Army troops.
(c) Green berets.
(d) Congo men.

5. Where did Michael K decide to live after leaving the farmhouse where he had been staying?
(a) Cave.
(b) Beach.
(c) Town.
(d) Apartment.

6. Captain Noel wanted the doctor to speed up the __________ process, even though the doctor was hesitant.
(a) Medicine.
(b) Bloodwork.
(c) Feeding.
(d) Discharge.

7. What happened in the two days that Michael K was with the other refugees?
(a) Nothing.
(b) He was beaten and bloodied.
(c) He was unconscious.
(d) He escapes.

8. During what part of the camp's training did Michael K collapse which caused him to be taken to a doctor?
(a) Waterboarding.
(b) Emotional.
(c) Mental.
(d) Physical.

9. Michael K used to get cold at night and would complain about being made _________.
(a) Sick.
(b) Well.
(c) Fat.
(d) Useless.

10. The doctor was told that Michael K was running a _________ ground for rebels in the mountains.
(a) Staging.
(b) Food.
(c) Cover.
(d) Camouflage.

11. What kind of camp was Michael K first taken to after he spent some time in the hospital recovering?
(a) Work.
(b) Concentration.
(c) Hard labor.
(d) Resettlement.

12. While Michael could not _____________, he said there was nothing wrong with him.
(a) Move.
(b) Keep food down.
(c) Stand up.
(d) See.

13. Michael K met a man named _______ who had been kicked off his farm and detained from his family.
(a) George.
(b) Robert.
(c) Noel.
(d) Joseph

14. Fights among the refugees took place as people argued over the ____________ of items in the middle of camp.
(a) Ownership.
(b) Quality.
(c) Usages.
(d) Distribution.

15. What did not arrive as it usually did at camp the next day, leaving Michael K to wonder if they were being left to die?
(a) Water supply.
(b) Food supply.
(c) Doctor.
(d) Medicine.

Short Answer Questions

1. Michael K disguised the entrance of his dwelling so that it could not be seen from the __________.

2. The doctor wondered why Michael K was allowed to be in this training as he was in poor shape. What did the guard say?

3. The hunger pangs that Michael K was feeling finally went away and K was able to empty his _________.

4. What is the name of the rehabilitation camp where Michael K ends up in Cape Town?

5. Who asked Michael K about his face and even shared his lunch with K?

(see the answer keys)

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