The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Toby spend a few nights at the Widow Wadham's house?
(a) His house floods.
(b) She needs manly work done in the house.
(c) She hosts a large party.
(d) The construction of his house is incomplete.

2. Who is called to tend Tristram's wound in Volume 5?
(a) Mrs. Shandy.
(b) The midwife.
(c) Yorick.
(d) Dr. Slop.

3. Who is buried in the tomb of the two lovers?
(a) Edward VIII and Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson.
(b) Romeo and Juliet.
(c) Cleopatra and Mark Antony.
(d) Amandus and Amanda.

4. What is Tristram forced to sell in Lyon?
(a) His coat.
(b) His sword.
(c) His breeches.
(d) His carriage.

5. What reaction does Walter Shandy have to Bobby's death?
(a) He goes back to sleep.
(b) He weeps uncontrollably.
(c) He comments philosophically.
(d) He continues reading his book.

6. Why are the lead weights removed from the window that falls on Tristram?
(a) To prevent Tristram from cutting his fingers.
(b) Lead is toxic to children.
(c) To make part of Toby's fortification.
(d) To make a fork.

7. What does Trim inherit from Lieutenant Le Fever?
(a) A shift.
(b) Nothing.
(c) A coat.
(d) A sword.

8. Why does Toby become Billy Le Fever's guardian?
(a) Lieutenant Le Fever goes to war.
(b) Billy's mother dies.
(c) Billy's mother and father leave him on the doorstep.
(d) Lieutenant Le Fever dies.

9. In Volume 5, what does Walter Shandy do while his son's wound is being tended?
(a) Reads from his book.
(b) Rants and raves.
(c) Paces the floor.
(d) Falls asleep.

10. For what item is Tristram forced to pay in Lyon?
(a) A notebook.
(b) Another carriage.
(c) A new shoe.
(d) A suitcase.

11. In Volume 5, why does Mrs. Shandy eavesdrop on her husband?
(a) She thought she heard the word "wife".
(b) She wants to learn about the world of men.
(c) She is interested in his reaction.
(d) She suspects he is being unfaithful.

12. Which famous Astronomical clock does Tristram describe in Volume 7?
(a) St. Mark's clock.
(b) Lippius's clock.
(c) Big Ben.
(d) The Jubilee clock.

13. Who plans on spying on Toby through a keyhole?
(a) Tristram.
(b) Mrs. Shandy.
(c) Bridget.
(d) Trim.

14. What is the irony evident in Walter Shandy's book?
(a) He only repeats what others have already said.
(b) He neglects Tristram while writing.
(c) His life is bland and uninteresting.
(d) He knows nothing about war.

15. What does Billy inherit from Lieutenant Le Fever?
(a) A shift.
(b) A coat.
(c) A sword.
(d) Nothing.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which city does Tristram describe as nasty and foul-smelling?

2. Who does Tristram consult for advice in Volume 7?

3. What does Susannah hope to inherit in Volume 5?

4. For what position does Toby recommend Billy Le Fever?

5. Why does Tristram relieve himself out the window in Volume 5?

(see the answer keys)

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