Lieutenant Hornblower Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Lieutenant Hornblower Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hornblower do while at the Long Rooms?
(a) He plays poker.
(b) He plays piquet.
(c) He plays whist.
(d) None of the answers are correct.

2. In reference to the evening of playing cards with Hornblower, Admiral Parry says that the night is _________________.
(a) Instructive as well as irritating.
(b) Irritating as well as amusing.
(c) Instructive as well as amusing.
(d) Amusing as well as frustrating.

3. Hornblower receives a letter in which Admiral Parry _____________________.
(a) Accuses him of cheating at whist.
(b) Confirms his promotion to commander.
(c) Asks him to dinner.
(d) Thanks him for the enjoyable evening at Long Rooms.

4. Which shipman can speak and understand Spanish?
(a) Clive.
(b) Bush.
(c) Hornblower.
(d) Buckland.

5. Finish the quote: "The Court of Inquiry was not nearly as awe-inspiring as a ________."
(a) Hanging.
(b) Rebellion.
(c) Mutiny.
(d) Court martial.

Short Answer Questions

1. Admiral Parry, who plays whist at the Long Rooms with Hornblower, is nicknamed __________________.

2. While Bush and Hornblower dine with the new Captain of the Renown, they enjoy __________________.

3. In a report given at the Court of Inquiry, it is said that Bush and his men stormed the fort with no more than _____ casualties.

4. Admiral Lambert renames La Gaditana the ________.

5. Who says, "No peace for the wicked"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Admiral Parry confirm Hornblower's promotion to Commander?

2. What is the reward for Bush after the victory in Haiti?

3. How is Surgeon Sankey characterized throughout Chapter 15?

4. Describe Bush's fighting style during the prisoners' rebellion on board the Renown.

5. What are Colonel Ortega's terms for a capitulation?

6. Why is Buckland so unhappy after the Court of Inquiry?

7. How is Colonel Ortega described physically?

8. How does the gun become "unbushed" towards the middle of Chapter 13?

9. What season is it during Bush's second visit with Hornblower in Pourtsmouth?

10. How are the Spanish prisoners kept and treated on the Renown?

(see the answer keys)

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