Lie Down in Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lie Down in Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what city do Helen and Maudie travel in November of 1942?
(a) Charlottesville.
(b) Raleigh.
(c) Knoxville.
(d) Atlanta.

2. What does Milton do while Peyton and Helen argue?
(a) Calls Dolly.
(b) Tries to separate them.
(c) Goes out for more liquor.
(d) Watches TV.

3. Why does Helen take Maudie on the trip in #118?
(a) They are going on a shopping trip.
(b) They are going to the beach.
(c) She has been having leg pain.
(d) They are going sightseeing.

4. Why does Dolly call the Loftis house prior to the celebration in #110?
(a) To tell Helen about a library fundraiser.
(b) To tell Milton that she has not seen him in quite awhile.
(c) To tell Milton that she has a Christmas gift for him.
(d) To invite Milton and Helen for cocktails.

5. What did Milton watch during Peyton's wedding?
(a) The candles.
(b) Peyton's face.
(c) The minister.
(d) Peyton's derriere.

6. Helen views Peyton and Milton as _____________________.
(a) Co-conspirators in the destruction of their family.
(b) Highly creative people.
(c) More social than she.
(d) Best friends.

7. Why does Peyton tell Harry that she married him?
(a) She needed him.
(b) She thought he was handsome.
(c) She respected him.
(d) She wanted his money.

8. What flashback does Milton have while stopped at the gas station?
(a) Thanksgiving 1942.
(b) Christmas 1941.
(c) Fourth of July 1945.
(d) Christmas 1960.

9. Dolly tells Helen that she will carry on with Milton ________________________.
(a) Forever.
(b) For as long as Milton is interested.
(c) No longer.
(d) Until she is finished with him.

10. What does Carey decide to do to help Helen?
(a) Suggests psychiatric help.
(b) There is nothing he can do.
(c) Recommends couples counseling.
(d) Finds her a job.

11. What are Milton's feelings about his marriage to Helen?
(a) He wants to remain separated.
(b) He wants her to take him back.
(c) He loves her but he can't be married to her.
(d) He wants a divorce.

12. What is Carey's first impression of Helen?
(a) She is grieving.
(b) She is intense.
(c) She is a joy.
(d) She is morose.

13. Where does Helen take Maudie in November of 1942?
(a) A special school.
(b) New York.
(c) Paris.
(d) A doctor.

14. What is Helen's demeanor as they leave the house for the funeral?
(a) Amused.
(b) Stoic.
(c) Anxious.
(d) Distraught.

15. Why is Helen angry at Milton and Peyton when they arrive at the hospital?
(a) They didn't bring a gift for Maudie.
(b) They are too noisy.
(c) They didn't bring Helen's overnight bag.
(d) They are both drunk.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the primary relationship in LIE DOWN IN DARKNESS?

2. Why does the person in #100 have an emotional outburst?

3. What is Milton's condition at the end of the football game?

4. To whom is Milton writing a letter while Helen and Maudie are out of town?

5. What is the message of the telegram Milton receives?

(see the answer keys)

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