Libra Test | Final Test - Easy

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Libra Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Besides his rifle, what does Lee carry in his photo session with Marina this chapter?
(a) A picture of General Walker.
(b) His daughter.
(c) A hunting knife.
(d) Leftist magazines.

2. Into what port town do Marina and Lee arrive at the end of the chapter?
(a) San Francisco.
(b) New Orleans.
(c) New York.
(d) Baltimore.

3. Why is the mob considering taking over Ruby's clubs?
(a) He ihas been sleeping with Latta's mistress.
(b) He is shooting his mouth off.
(c) He is mismanaging them.
(d) He is behind on his loan payments.

4. On September 25th, what does Bannister say to Ferrie that they will do if Oswald refuses to take part in the plot?
(a) Force Oswald to do it.
(b) Use Ferrie.
(c) Invent an Oswald.
(d) Abort the plan.

5. What is the name of George de Mohrenschildt's debriefing agent?
(a) Colling.
(b) Elias.
(c) Grey.
(d) Wilcox.

6. How does Oswald try to kill himself in Moscow?
(a) He cuts his wrist.
(b) He tries to overdose on morphine.
(c) He shoots himself.
(d) He throws himself from a bridge.

7. Why does the post office become suspicious of Lee in Fort Worth?
(a) He receives mail from a county prison.
(b) He sends for pro-Castro leaflets.
(c) He receives mail from the USSR.
(d) He sends mail under several different names.

8. Who is Hidell?
(a) Oswald's childhood friend.
(b) Oswald's benefactor.
(c) Oswald's alias.
(d) Oswald's KGB contact in Minsk.

9. Which Kennedy does Carmine Latta particularly hate?
(a) Teddy.
(b) Joseph.
(c) Robert.
(d) John.

10. What does Win Everett do before speaking with his wife in 15 July?
(a) Puts her daughter to sleep.
(b) Writes in his journal.
(c) Takes a call from Parmenter.
(d) Takes his heart medication.

11. Why is Lee arrested in New Orleans?
(a) He sends a threatening letter to General Walker.
(b) He is found publicly intoxicated.
(c) He has not paid taxes in five years.
(d) He fights with an anti-Castro partisan.

12. Why does Lee's mother initially dislike Marina?
(a) She married Lee so quickly.
(b) She dresses provocatively.
(c) She does not speak English.
(d) She is a Communist.

13. What does lee call the article he writes at the end of the chapter?
(a) The Curtain.
(b) The United Front.
(c) The Kollective.
(d) The Foreshadow.

14. Where is Frank in 6 September?
(a) Florida.
(b) Mississippi.
(c) Pennsylvania.
(d) Texas.

15. Which conspirator is Everett concerned has fallen off the map in 12 August?
(a) Bannister.
(b) Frank Vasquez.
(c) Mackey.
(d) Parmenter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lee request of the State Department in this chapter?

2. To whom does Oswald send his photos?

3. What religion is the first girl in Minsk that Lee proposes to?

4. What job is Lee Oswald given in Minsk?

5. How does Guy Bannister ostensibly die?

(see the answer keys)

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