Libertie Test | Final Test - Easy

Kaitlyn Greenidge
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Libertie Test | Final Test - Easy

Kaitlyn Greenidge
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What event does Libertie plan for the summer after her first year at college?
(a) A benefit concert.
(b) A wedding.
(c) A dance.
(d) A poetry slam.

2. How does Mama react to finding out Libertie was kicked out of school?
(a) She is angry.
(b) She is sad.
(c) She is happy.
(d) She is indifferent.

3. What does Emmanuel believe about marriage?
(a) Men and women are not equal.
(b) Marriage is futile.
(c) The man is always right.
(d) It should be rooted in friendship.

4. Why does Libertie not want to be intimate with Emmanuel in their marital bed?
(a) She does not like being intimate.
(b) She does not want to get pregnant.
(c) She does not feel ready.
(d) She is afraid everyone will hear.

5. Who finds a note that was written to Libertie?
(a) Mama.
(b) Miss Hannah.
(c) Lucien.
(d) Elizabeth.

6. What does Libertie tell Mama she will never be?
(a) A mother.
(b) A wife.
(c) A teacher.
(d) A doctor.

7. Who tells Libertie not to get married on her wedding day?
(a) Lucien.
(b) Miss Hannah.
(c) Mama.
(d) Mr. Ben.

8. Who is Alma Curtis?
(a) A student at Harvard.
(b) Libertie's professor.
(c) Libertie's friend.
(d) Women's dean at Cunningham College.

9. What is unique about the Chase house?
(a) It is very old.
(b) It is ugly.
(c) It has open ceilings.
(d) It is very big.

10. Who does Libertie decide to banish from her heart?
(a) Miss Hannah.
(b) Lucien.
(c) Lenore.
(d) Mama.

11. Who is Ella?
(a) Emmanuel's cousin.
(b) Emmanuel's sister.
(c) Emmanuel's friend.
(d) Emmanuel's mother.

12. Why did Emmanuel avoid talking about his family before marrying Libertie?
(a) She never asked.
(b) He did not want to scare her.
(c) It never came up.
(d) He does not like talking about them.

13. What does Emmanuel do for a living?
(a) He is a lawyer.
(b) He is a teacher.
(c) He is a doctor.
(d) He is a chef.

14. Who is Madeline Grady?
(a) Franklin Grady's sister.
(b) Franklin Grady's wife.
(c) Franklin Grady's cousin.
(d) Franklin Grady's mother.

15. What does Ella give Libertie at the market?
(a) The house keys and purse.
(b) A bowl of fruit.
(c) A penny.
(d) Money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Libertie spend most of her time at college?

2. Who tells Libertie she cannot return to college?

3. What is a Tom Thumb wedding?

4. What is Emmanuel's life goal?

5. What does Emmanuel think of Haiti?

(see the answer keys)

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