Leviathan Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Leviathan Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hobbes say only God knows?
(a) Whether is it necessary for a person to die
(b) where to find the written word of God
(c) how many countries there are in the world
(d) what happens to the soul of a person when he dies

2. What did the Israelites eventually want to do with their sovereignty?
(a) learn from the Greeks and Romans
(b) give it to a king and take it away from the Judges
(c) divide it into twelve commonwealths
(d) handle it by popular election

3. What does Hobbes say is the purpose of punishment?
(a) to prevent people from breaking the law
(b) to keep the criminals off the streets
(c) to show who is boss
(d) to have a public entertainment when someone is flogged

4. What does Hobbes call an assembly of people who gather together to hear a priest or pastor speak to them about the word of God?
(a) a delegation
(b) a civic club
(c) a coven
(d) a church

5. How does it become difficult to be obedient to both God and sovereign?
(a) if the sovereign gives everyting away
(b) if there is a corrupt leader interested in his own private gains
(c) if the sovereign is not a Christian
(d) if the sovereign has no right to rule

Short Answer Questions

1. What Catholic teaching does Hobbes object to?

2. What are the ways in which, according to Hobbes, people can worship God?

3. What are some Biblical books Hobbes says are written about certain people and not written by them?

4. Who must speak of the same God in which all Christians believe?

5. In discussing a Christian Commonwealth, what does Hobbes have to say about Holy Scriptures?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Hobbes have to say about ministers of the ecclesiastical?

2. How does Hobbes attack the Roman Catholic Church as well as Greek philosophers?

3. What is Hobbes' idea about honoring God?

4. What power does the sovereign have over the church according to Hobbes?

5. Who does Hobbes identify as belonging to the Kingdom of God?

6. What does Hobbes identify as the Christian Commonwealth?

7. What does Hobbes say happens to one who does not believe in God?

8. What does Hobbes say about popularity?

9. What is a main mistake Hobbes says religious people make?

10. What is Hobbes' definition of the Kingdom of Darkness?

(see the answer keys)

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