Leviathan Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Leviathan Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hobbes identify as three basic human fears?
(a) fear of snakes, spideers, and scorpions
(b) fear of the dark, the weather, and wild animals
(c) fear of work, being social, and talking too much
(d) fear of being robbed, raped, or ousted from their homes

2. What does Hobbes say are the three types of commonwealth?
(a) dictatorships, republics and anarchies
(b) common, formal and independent
(c) monarchies, democracies and aristocracies
(d) high, low and mediocre

3. To be sure one has found reason, what is necessary?
(a) It must stand the test of time.
(b) All affirmations and negations must be considered.
(c) The soverign must be consulted.
(d) The negations must be discarded.

4. Why does Hobbes say it is natural for the mother to have dominion over children?
(a) They are naturals at discipline.
(b) It is not always known who the father is.
(c) They have dominion over nothing else.
(d) They need children in case the husband dies.

5. What is the second right of the sovereign?
(a) The sovereign may travel as often as necessary.
(b) The sovereign can name all successors.
(c) The sovereign cannot be forfeited.
(d) The sovereign cannot be forced to go to war.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hobbes say people are either born with or develop?

2. What kinds of questions does Hobbes say people have little interest in?

3. What is an example of Hobbes' unprovable discourse?

4. What does Hobbes say is needed to protect people from danger?

5. In his comparison of the commonwealth to the body, what does Hobbes identify as the role of the sovereign?

Short Essay Questions

1. In any political situation, what does Hobbes identify as a basic right?

2. How does Hobbes define the origins of religion?

3. How does Hobbes say a person can increase intellectual virtue?

4. Give Hobbes' idea about how much a country needs individuals.

5. What is Hobbes' view of money?

6. In what way does Hobbes warn against errors in logic or speech?

7. What are the three sovereignties Hobbes defines?

8. Why does Hobbes say men will give up some of their freedoms?

9. What does Hobbes say about rights in the natural world?

10. How does Hobbes say people reason?

(see the answer keys)

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