Leviathan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Leviathan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why can passion for power be dangerous?
(a) People can be deceived.
(b) People can use evil means to get power.
(c) People can be electrocuted.
(d) People cannot achieve it.

2. What does Hobbes say a person is doing when he stops defending himself?
(a) depending on the commonwealth
(b) surrendering his life and his possessions
(c) doing the right thing
(d) practicing the Golden Rule

3. How does Hobbes suggest that people reason?
(a) By adding or subtracting two thoughts
(b) By first getting burned
(c) By counting on fingers and toes
(d) By mathematical equations

4. How does Hobbes define a monarchy?
(a) In a monarchy, all the people hold power.
(b) In a monarchy, only one man has power.
(c) In a monarchy, only the nobles hold power.
(d) In a monarchy, the assembly holds power.

5. What two factors does Hobbes believe control mental discourse?
(a) Education and experience
(b) Love and hate
(c) Vocabulary and definitions
(d) Desire and fear

6. What example does Hobbes give to support his idea that just banding together is not enough for protection?
(a) Two families joined are not powerful enough to combat three families.
(b) Twenty sheep cannot fight off a pack of wolves.
(c) A hundred rabbits can scare a hunter.
(d) A flock of birds cannot defeat the cat.

7. What is the term he uses for reasoning with another person?
(a) disconcerting
(b) Signifying
(c) Arguing
(d) Stygmatizing

8. How does Hobbes define injustice of an action?
(a) accidents
(b) premeditation
(c) injury
(d) a lawsuit

9. Why must people create a covenant or agreement to give power to one person, or small group of people?
(a) Some think too highly of themselves or blow things out of proportion.
(b) Too many cooks spoil the broth.
(c) It is not possible to assemble all the people all the time.
(d) That is the natural way of doing things.

10. What is Hobbes' only conditionality regarding all people being created equal?
(a) Some may be better looking than others.
(b) Some may be stronger or smarter than others.
(c) Some may be taller than others.
(d) Some may be born into money.

11. How does Hobbes describe his compound imagination?
(a) Like seeing an appl and an orange and imagining a melon
(b) Like seeing a man and a horse and imagining a centaur
(c) Like seeing a carriage and a house and imagining a train
(d) Like seeing a dog and a cat and imagining a kangaroo

12. What type of book is LEVIATHAN?
(a) A book about large fish
(b) A book about comparative religion
(c) A book of political philosophy
(d) A science fiction book

13. Who does Hobbes insist is of the greatest value to a commonwealth?
(a) the minister
(b) the banker
(c) the sovreign
(d) the teacher

14. What does Hobbes say about controlling thoughts?
(a) People cannot always do it.
(b) The commonwealth controls thoughts.
(c) People learn to do it at an early age.
(d) Thought should not be controlled.

15. Why does Hobbes say men will give up some of their freedoms?
(a) when it does not cost them anything
(b) to seek protection for their lives and those of their family
(c) when they are given other freedoms in return
(d) when they go to prison

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Hobbes classify intellectual virtue?

2. In his comparison of the commonwealth to the body, what does Hobbes identify as the role of the sovereign?

3. What is needed to be able to judge what is just or unjust?

4. What does Hobbes accept when peace is impossible?

5. How does Hobbes see the commonwealth?

(see the answer keys)

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