Letters to a Young Poet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Letters to a Young Poet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the fifth letter, Rilke tells the young poet that a package the young poet has sent to him has not arrived. What is in the package?
(a) The young poet's latest manuscript.
(b) A collection of books by Rilke.
(c) A book that presents works by the young poet.
(d) A special German cheese.

2. What holiday is Rilke marking with his sixth letter?
(a) Easter.
(b) Christmas.
(c) All Saints Day.
(d) The New Year.

3. From where is the seventh letter written?
(a) Rome, Italy.
(b) Bremen, Germany.
(c) Paris, France.
(d) Athens, Greece.

4. What is the primary topic of the eighth letter?
(a) Creativity.
(b) Nature.
(c) Sadness.
(d) Solitude.

5. What does Rilke say about fears in the world in letter eight?
(a) Fears must be ignored.
(b) Fears are natural.
(c) Gears must be acknowledged.
(d) We have created the fears.

6. What does Rilke say is "the most difficult of all our tasks"?
(a) To love another person.
(b) To know God.
(c) To uncover the true self.
(d) To truly embrace solitude.

7. What does Rilke assert about the nature of human existence that he claims is a fact whether we think so or not?
(a) We are creative beings.
(b) We are made in God's image.
(c) We are built to love.
(d) We are solitary.

8. How does Rilke say the young poet's career compares to other careers?
(a) Rilke says that the young poet's career is better than other careers because it allows more solitude.
(b) Rilke says the young poet's career is more distinguished than other careers.
(c) Rilke says that the young poet's career is essentially the same as all other careers.
(d) Rilke says that the young poet's career has more conventions than other careers.

9. What does Rilke imply about losing God?
(a) Once found, God cannot be lost.
(b) God does not exist.
(c) Losing God is necessary if one is to find God.
(d) Losing God is part of growing up.

10. In what year is Rilke writing the eighth letter?
(a) 1908.
(b) 1902.
(c) 1903.
(d) 1904.

11. What does the sixth letter reveal about the state of the young poet?
(a) The young poet is suffering from writer's block.
(b) The young poet is relishing his solitude.
(c) The young poet is sad and lonely.
(d) The young poet is enjoying his new career.

12. How long has Rilke been in the city from which he writes the fifth letter?
(a) Six days.
(b) Six weeks.
(c) Two months.
(d) Two weeks.

13. What aspect of human life does Rilke say is most burdened with conventions?
(a) Love.
(b) Inspiration.
(c) Religion.
(d) Marriage.

14. At the close of the sixth letter, what does Rilke advise the young poet to do in regards to the coming holiday?
(a) Celebrate by committing to the idea that acts of love and joy are preparing the way for God.
(b) Celebrate with others.
(c) Celebrate by writing.
(d) Celebrate in solitude and gratitude.

15. What does Rilke say women have more of than men?
(a) Patience.
(b) Love.
(c) Humanity.
(d) Empathy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Rilke tells the young poet that in regard to his sickness, he is a sick man, a convalescent, and what else?

2. From where does Rilke write the fifth letter?

3. According to Rilke in letter eight, where does destiny originate?

4. In letter five, what statue does Rilke mention is near his place of residence?

5. To what does Rilke compare "dangerous" sadness?

(see the answer keys)

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